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I love my dog but...
The quarantine process to get him there is pretty significant, but we got everything done.

I have no problems leaving deposits, I can understand how a owner would want to protect his home from any potential damamge that an untrained dog or pet may do.
Most of us here have dogs, As a landlord I trust nobody to tell the truth! Just my experience!
It might help that you're coming from the mainland with your pet. You're not looking just to have a tie-dog, but one that is part of the family. You might try to explain that when you reach out to landlords, and to include a picture of your pet when you reach out. I live in the Hawaiian Beaches / Shores / Shores Recreational Estates subdivision, and most everyone I know here who has moved from the mainland moved here with pets, and who is renting, with their pets. This actually is a pretty good place to call home, private water - no catchment, utilities, mail delivery to your home, Oceanic Triple Play, and Hawaiian Telcom as well.
If I was a landlord I wouldn't allow pets period.

Insurance rates go up and with the barking dog laws etc...etc... I'm sure the hood could take the property owner to court if they wanted based on an irresponsible renter (dog owner) that just lets it's mutt bark all night long.

But that is just me. I'd make them sign a contract that if their pet caused any type of problems they could be served a 30 day notice of vacate or something like that. Sadly it's the (FEW) bad apples that spoil it for the rest of us.
Short-term renters are not very desirable for a landlord either.
We have two rentals next to our house that are sitting empty and unrented. One for about 2 years now, and the other since last fall sometime. Both places had to have extensive renovations because of damages caused by EXTREMELY bad renters.

One was a combination puppy mill/foster care home where the owner had to rip out all the floor coverings and some of the sheet rock when the tenants finally left because of the puppy/toddler damage to the flooring, the other place had mostly people damage and the property management company spent a small fortune and 3 months repairing floors, screens, windows, doors, appliances, and everything else that unsupervised teens and crackhead boyfriends had punched, kicked or broken. The owners of the first house were repairing it themselves and ran out of steam before they quite finished, and the other one is all done and just sitting unrented by the property management company.

If you wanted to try contacting the owners of either of these places directly I can help you find the contact info if you email me through punaweb. Your best bet might be a direct approach with something that isn't being advertised on the open market yet. Both places have to be costing the owners a small fortune just sitting empty, the place that still needs floor coverings even has lawn service every week. One is a 3 bedroom 2+ bath and the other is the same with a nice back lanai and an ohana unit. We would like some good neighbors in either place. Neither are fenced but both acre lots would be fairly straight forward to put in dog fencing or runs.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb

Thanks for the offer, I may still take you up on that. I am looking for something furnished for 2-3 months while we determine exactly what part of Puna we want to live and find a home.

My most recent drama I am running into is transporting my dog and getting him through the quarantine. I thought I could just fly into Hilo, but it seems like I have to fly into Honolulu and then to Hilo due to Hawaii only having this quarantine place on one island ?
I believe you can fly the dog directly into Kona and skip Honolulu.
Better make sure everything is correct though. They must know the dog is coming. Any problems and I think they keep the dog in quarantine, or worse, refuse to accept it.
The department of Ag site says ALL animals must come through Honolulu
Leave plenty of time for the layover: quarantine station is all the way at the other end of the airport, after which you have to check your pet as baggage for the interisland flight.

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