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Spice rack
With all respect to the Hindus, you cant tell an Italian to not eat garlic Smile
I've used a mortar & pestle before to break down a stuck together ball of onion powder, it does work. But it you have to choose keeping the powder dry in he first place is the way to go. ;-)
I use a lot of expensive and hard to find spices so I'm really interested in trying some of these suggestions.

Dayna Robertson
At Home Hawaii
Real Estate Sales and Property Management
If you are willing to spend the energy and use the space, the refrigerator is best. It keeps them 'dry' and slows down 'aging'. Simple physics!

Finally in HPP
Finally in HPP
Originally posted by Royall

I bought silica gel packs ( ) and put one in the jar with the spices... Spices seem to be lasting longer now. You can rejuvenate the packets by placing them in the oven on low to dry them back out.. so I've been told. Haven't used up the 50 yet! LOL

ssshh - i - er - 'borrow' them from the furniture department part of Ross Smile they are in the drawers. i only - er - 'borrow' them because right up till now i didn't know you could buy them, so now at least i will be able to leave Ross's without a guilt conscience Smile

I don't know about all spices though, because bread actually goes stale 6x faster in the fridge.
Yes, but I think the stale bread is a hardening reaction and has nothing to do with spices clumping or losing their flavor. Of course, I do not like 'Wonder bread' and prefer a firmer loaf, so I prefer 'stale' bread.

Finally in HPP
Finally in HPP
I like the rice idea & took it one further, using dried beans. Works so much better & they don't come through the shaker like rice can.
I had trouble w/ medications deteriorating & the pharmacist said put the prescription bottle in a larger bottle filled w/ rice. It worked.
Also, when buying envelopes, buy the easy seal ones w/ the pull off strip. Otherwise, all your envelopes will be glued shut.
Hawaiian Salt - Kept in triple zip lock bags.Store in the oven on pilot light warmth,or get a dehumidifier for your pantry with sealed doors.
To dry out,put on a stainless steel sheet in oven on low.
Onion - the real Mc Coy not powder .
Garlic,the real thing,not powder.
One self,this is the sub tropics,and yes it is high humidity here.
The rainy season is from Jan 1st of any year to Dec 31st of any year.
Many food items you are used to from mainland,go bad here on this side of island.
Kona though a different story.
Just use a real onion and real garlic.
If you know in advance what you are making,purchase the ingredients for that particular dish so nothing goes bad.
We use Hawaiian Salt .Usually does not cake and easy to dry .
Onions and garlic the real thing.
We have a wood fired brick oven and the excess breads and muffins we keep sealed in the propane chest freezer
Happy culinary delights.
My cooking style plays against me in this weather.

I prefer to cook over bake because I can be expressive in cooking. AKA wing it AKA make it up as I go AKA don't follow directions AKA Chopped basket kine cooking

So, knowing what I am going to make before I make it, isn't very often. Sad

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