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For You Super Ferry Supporters....
It's funny how people consider environmentalists to be unfriendly towards the superferry. That's like holding firefighters responsible for a house fire. I'm totally in favor of an alternative means of transportation between Islands. So mark me down as a friend of the superferry:
1). If they complete an environmental study as stipulated by law.
2). If they use the study to design operational procedures that are safe for the environment and marine mammals.

Don't blame enviromental activists for derailing this business. Blame our Governor. She took thousands of dollars from Hawaii superferry executives and made them promises that she couldn't legally keep.

Hawaii is a good place for good business. It is, however, a bad place for bad business.

Hawaii is a good place for good business. It is, however, a bad place for bad business.

Tho, it's also a good place for bad government...

Man, I can see that the force is strong with some here....

Break out the lawn chair and popcorn....

...and didn't that first week of operations give you all an insight as to what's gonna happen to our beautiful islands?

In my opinion, that first week of operations was unsuccessful because of the respect that Super Ferry had given the protesters on Kauai and the disrespect that the protesters on Kauai had given the ferry and it's riders.

I'm only asking why you feel the need for this vessel here in Hawaii,and what would you use it for?

Let me ask you too. How many hours a week do you spend in the ocean, or even the shoreline? More importantly, how many years have you lived here in the islands?

I'm on the water as much as possible. I spend my weekends diving and even sneek out during working hours. I also own a boat.

I've been here for 5 years. Before I moved to Hawaii I would visit here often and even go diving in California as many weekends as possible.

I really don't see relivance of the "More importantly, how many years have you lived here in the islands?" To me it doesn't matter how long I've lived here. I live here now. This is my home.

Personally I would use the Super Ferry to go and dive the other islands and not have to worry about waiting 24 hours to fly.

Professionally, I also believe it's good for business.

"What? Me Worry?" - Alfred E. Nueman

Edited by - wjbillock on 10/16/2007 21:33:55
"Vote with your money!"
Once again, I ask all of you who are missing the point here. This string is to supply information to those of us who support the Super Ferry.

I didn't start this string to blame anyone...neither Government nor Activists.

Nor did I start it to debate what defines a good business or a bad business.

"Are you a good witch or a bad witch?"
"I'm not a witch at all!"

"What? Me Worry?" - Alfred E. Nueman
"Vote with your money!"
...and didn't that first week of operations give you all an insight as to what's gonna happen to our beautiful islands?

In my opinion, that first week of operations was unsuccessful because of the respect that Super Ferry had given the protesters on Kauai and the disrespect that the protesters on Kauai had given the ferry and it's riders.

I'm only asking why you feel the need for this vessel here in Hawaii,and what would you use it for?

Let me ask you too. How many hours a week do you spend in the ocean, or even the shoreline? More importantly, how many years have you lived here in the islands?

I'm on the water as much as possible. I spend my weekends diving and even sneek out during working hours. I also own a boat.

I've been here for 5 years. Before I moved to Hawaii I would visit here often and even go diving in California as many weekends as possible.

I really don't see relivance of the "More importantly, how many years have you lived here in the islands?" To me it doesn't matter how long I've lived here. I live here now. This is my home.

Personally I would use the Super Ferry to go and dive the other islands and not have to worry about waiting 24 hours to fly.

Professionally, I also believe it's good for business.

"What? Me Worry?" - Alfred E. Nueman

Edited by - wjbillock on 10/16/2007 21:33:55

the reason I ask how long you been here is for one reason only. So I can understand if you've been here long enough to see how our ocean & coastline is slowly being destroyed. But only a long time resident can truly see that, and understand it. People who have been here less than say 15 yrs or so think these waters off Hawaii are beautiful. Truth of the matter, these waters are semi polluted because of boats, ships, etc,etc...

The last time hawaii had anything like the Super Ferry(interisland Hydro Boats) back in the 70's Humpbacks paid a heavy price!

Have you forgotten the three trucks from Honolulu that went to Maui. They raped the Iao Stream of it's Puka-puka rocks for personal use back home in Honolulu. That my friend is only the tip of the iceberg.

The people making the biggest noise over the Super Ferry coming to their island are surfers. These are people who flow in harmony with the ocean. I find their cause noble.

Edited by - Beachboy on 10/16/2007 22:02:57

Support the 'Jack Herer Initiative'NOW!!
I respect your opinion Beachboy. And I understand your reasons for not wanting the Super Ferry.

I just have a different opinion of it's operation. I believe in technology and feel that the ferry was built to be eco-friendly and as well will employ a whale watch system.

I also believe that the majority of people are respectful of the environment.

However, I also am not blind and I don't have to be a long time resident to know that nature is not as pristine as it was 15 years ago.

The fact is the people who pollute will continue to pollute, regardless of whether it's dumping garbage into the ocean or coastline, or dumping a rusted washing machine in a vacant lot...which I see way too much of in Puna.

I still believe that more good than bad will come from the Super Ferry.

"What? Me Worry?" - Alfred E. Nueman

Edited by - wjbillock on 10/16/2007 23:01:50
"Vote with your money!"
I also respect your opinion too, wjbillock. But how are they gonna protect the Humpbacks? Most of the supporters are people who really could care less about the ocean around the 50th state. Their main concern is cheap transportation to another island. I'm willing to bet 90% have never even taken the time to pull off the road to watch these gentle giants(humpbacks) in play.
The SuperFerry is suppose to be pretty fast. It's claim is tit's able to travel the length of two football fields in under 10 seconds. Tell me how that boat is gonna avoid a mother and her calf?

Edited by - Beachboy on 10/17/2007 05:41:19

Support the 'Jack Herer Initiative'NOW!!
Tell me how that boat is gonna avoid a mother and her calf?

As I said I am a huge fan of.

Hawaii Superferry has implemented a Whale Avoidance Policy which is stricter than existing federal regulations in Hawaii and has worked collaboratively with the Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary Advisory Council.

Hawaii Superferry has worked proactively with whale researchers and other experts in developing a Whale Avoidance Policy which is stricter than existing federal regulations in Hawaii. Hawaii Superferry routes are primarily in deep waters where the concentration of whales is less and it will change its routes during whale season to further avoid densely concentrated areas in the Maui area and Penguin Banks. As extra precautions, Hawaii Superferry will also slow down in shallow waters, add dedicated whale lookouts on the bridge, and use multiple technologies on the ships to avoid whales.

See this document may have more answers to your questions. This information,by the way, has been available to the public and the Government since 2005.

"What? Me Worry?" - Alfred E. Nueman

Edited by - wjbillock on 10/17/2007 06:36:43
"Vote with your money!"
"It's funny how people consider environmentalists to be unfriendly towards the superferry. That's like holding firefighters responsible for a house fire. I'm totally in favor of an alternative means of transportation between Islands. So mark me down as a friend of the superferry:
1). If they complete an environmental study as stipulated by law.
2). If they use the study to design operational procedures that are safe for the environment and marine mammals.

Don't blame enviromental activists for derailing this business. Blame our Governor. She took thousands of dollars from Hawaii superferry executives and made them promises that she couldn't legally keep.

Hawaii is a good place for good business. It is, however, a bad place for bad business"


second that!

Edited by - loffelkopffl on 10/17/2007 06:35:48
yeah, the chamber of commerce sent out their marching orders to all on this issue


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