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Cultural Rifts?
Originally posted by Southernmost
This will be our last online conversation ironyak.

I am sorry to hear this Southernmost. You have been very open and honest with your views which is rare. For what it is worth, I have listened to what you and others have said here and elsewhere. I have seen plenty of wisdom mixed with plenty of hate. I hope you would recognize this.

If you feel that me asking you to clarify your views is combative or argumentative, then I apologize. I have come to believe that any discussion of these topics are difficult to impossible because of possible cultural differences in communication styles.

I for one will continue to listen to everything shared on these matters as it affects us all. Calls for silence about difficult problems does little to resolve them and allows them to worsen IMHO.

I sincerely wish you all the best and hope that your voice is part of the conversation.
"Day of reckoning" certainly doesn't have to be interpreted as a statement of violence. This is all in how you perceive the message ironyak.

If I were to watch a movie titled "Day of Reckoning," I would expect it to star Claude Van Damm, Vin Diesel, or Laurence Fishburne. Probably not Hugh Grant. It better not star Hugh Grant.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Originally posted by shockwave rider
Ironyak: "For Southernmost, (and others) Guides for online conduct note to only post what you want to share forever.

Who are you to tell other people what they should and shouldn't do in an online forum you do not moderate.

I am not telling other people what to post, but like to check that they understand that all caps are considered yelling online. Southernmost has said that was his intent. Users should also be aware that anything posted ends up being archived and can come back to haunt them. See recent arrests in NY for facebook posts as an example.

You are a relative newcomer to punaweb
I would suggest you click on my username to check this.

How about if you just let others state their piece every once in a while and listen more than you speak?

Everyone is welcome to say whatever they want and I welcome any attempts at genuine conversation. Rob is the only the moderator. I have not told anyone to be quiet or that their views are unwelcome or invalid. Rather I invite more information so we can all better understand. When questionable or concerning statements are made, I ask questions.

Some of this is grounded in many FB forums where individuals will shout down other views and be objectionable to the point that the moderators has to remove everything including valuable information and alternate perspectives.

Punaweb is different in that conversations are better protected and persistent. There is still a tactic of posting hateful comments then deleting them before they are called to task. I find this to be disingenuous and an attempt to quell discussion. We have lost the participation and input from many respected members lately because of these tactics.
Originally posted by dakine
Day of reckoning:

Will be the day the Hawaiian Nation raises their flag over their capital, and they are recognized as a free and sovereign people by the entire world. This is not fantasy.. or dream.. but reality.

Thank you for clarifying. Note that Day of reckoning commonly refers to the Last Judgement in Christianity which bears with it many overtones of punishment.

It will be a positive step forward to clarify and hopefully resolve the many murky issues surrounding sovereignty. The path from here to there remains contentious and the process used to achieve this end of interest. Any thoughts you are willing to share are appreciated.
"Some of this is grounded in many FB forums where individuals will shout down other views and be objectionable to the point that the moderators has to remove everything including valuable information and alternate perspectives. "

This is not Facebook. You may be polite in delivery but you still overwhelm all other points of view with sheer volume of words per day. The last person who did this was Damon Tucker, who then moved on to having his own blog, to everyone's great relief.
Agreed - thankfully this is not facebook - let's keep it that way.

I find the comparison to Damon Tucker objectionable for several reasons, but you are welcome to your opinion.

I can be verbose; I favor more words to any misunderstandings. I am trying to be concise, but will never reach the one line responses that some may favor. I will look to snarkle for inspiration Wink

I am going to step back from this for a bit to think about what punafish and others have said.
Originally posted by dakine

Day of reckoning

Will be the day the Hawaiian Nation raises their flag over their capital, and they are recognized as a free and sovereign people by the entire world. This is not fantasy.. or dream.. but reality.

Yes a day of reckoning is coming. Call your Congressman.. ask your President.. read what your Secretary of State says.. or maybe just read about it in the news..

There's far more to this than meets the eye. First and foremost the proposals set forth by the administration are not within their power. The Supreme Court has already ruled on a major aspect of this. This power is not with the administrations grasp. Secondly, the linked material is not in line with the world court recognized aspect of the Hawaiian Kingdom. This is comparing an attempt to establish a tribe where non was ever recognized. There is but one legal recognition and that's the Hawaiian Kingdom which is not a native Hawaiian matter but rather a Hawaiian nationalist matter. Native vs. Nationalist. Tribe vs. Nation. No tribe was ever recognized in the eyes of the world court though the Hawaiian Kingdom has.
So what you have cited is not good news but rather a kick in the balls to the Hawaiian Nation. Not only that, the chances of it having any sort of legitimacy are about zero. It's another empty lip service underhanded maneuver by the administration and completely undermines the Hawaiian Nation.
If you think that equals a day of reckoning you're in for a very rude awakening.

The last person who did this was Damon Tucker, KathyH...
I fixed it for you. [Big Grin]
Race matters. Sure, many more things matter. But race, continues to be a multi-pronged argument that mostly lead to further emotional misunderstandings, rather than real dialogue to move society forward. In Hawaii, Haoles own Business and Japanese own government. Everything else spirals downward from there. Every argument you can shape regarding economics, classism, distribution of wealth, power and governmental services stem from this very simple equation. Or maybe I should call it a conflict.
On a sunday morning some years back we went to the Maku'u market for a fun shopping experience and came upon a booth of "native" Hawaiians who were asking for signatures for their petition for sovereignty to reclaim Hawaii.

I read their literature, it stated those of us who were not born here would go before a council that would decide if we could stay, if not they would kick us out and take our homes.

The lady said she was pretty sure I'd be able to stay and could she have my signature?

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