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Problems at Punaweb
.People are afraid to talk in here.This seemes sad and unfair.It makes me want to quit,which I am sure would make those boys happy.

so much....and so little time

I think Rob has done a rather good job with the community he has formed here. With that said, of course we can expect to not all get along, all the time. I think if you start a thread an feel threatened/insulted by something others wrote kindly ask them to "make like a tree, and leave".

Handle every situation like a dog,If you can't eat it or hump it,piss on it and walk away...

Support the 'Jack Herer Initiative'NOW!!
This isn't about Rob.The freedom here is good,but even he admits people are hijacking topics.I am expressing my thoughts.My opinion is that there are a few boys in here that do not respect others topics,not just the helicopter thread,but csgray's topic was immediately turned into drinking and smoking cigars.It had nothing to do with her topic.That is my free speech.I am not going to address ever little nit pick.Because I was picked apart by some for expressing my self.It has nothing to do with whether people have the same view of a topic.Again,I am talking about expressing youself respectfully,And yes we can make jokes,in the appropriate threads and of course timing.And I am sure that the ones that disagree will continue to critivze me for my views.If I don't like being insulted,then others should respect that about me.If you guys want to be disrespectful(which causes a lot of people to not participate,by the way),start your own boys alcohol and cigar thread

so much....and so little time
so much....and so little time
I am expressing my thoughts.My opinion is that there are a few boys in here that do not respect others topics,

And what you're doing is ???????

Not to be a disrespectful hijacker or anything, but I believe another reason people tend to "read more and post less" at certain times may have to do with their total immersion in real-life.

When they're up to their eyebrows (high or otherwise) in the day-to-day business of feeding their families (or simply having fun), they're far less likely to prattle on in an on-line forum. And then, when things are slow on the home- and/or work- and/or travel front, they may have the time/desire to actually speak out on a topic. Y'know?

Not so sure that fear is a major player for most folks here on Punaweb.

Respectfully submitted,


What he/she (malolo) said! Yeah.. I think people come and go and/or participate as life dictates. I'm active on several other forums (apologetic by choice) and I have to say, this is the MOST civil of them all. You might want to get out on the web more and see how bad bad really is. Peace


"Sometimes your the bug and sometimes your the windshield"

"It doesn't mean that much to me.. to mean that much to you." Neil Young

Dave M!

So now you're calling me a he/she?!
How dare you?! Ha! Where's Rob?!

---malolo (furiously batting her tear-drenched eyelashes)

I'm soooo sorry Malolo. Arn't you the lil world traveler (China twice)? My most deepest apologies... dave

Opps.. did we just highjack a thread on highjacking threads?


"Sometimes your the bug and sometimes your the windshield"

"It doesn't mean that much to me.. to mean that much to you." Neil Young

Not to be a disrespectful hijacker or anything, but I believe another reason people tend to "read more and post less" at certain times may have to do with their total immersion in real-life.

When they're up to their eyebrows (high or otherwise) in the day-to-day business of feeding their families (or simply having fun), they're far less likely to prattle on in an on-line forum. And then, when things are slow on the home- and/or work- and/or travel front, they may have the time/desire to actually speak out on a topic. Y'know?

Not so sure that fear is a major player for most folks here on Punaweb.

Respectfully submitted,


I agree! I work from home. When i get fed up with typing or trying to figure out why some one wants to put something here or there... I come to Punaweb for a laugh, for info, to "see friends"... I think of it as standing around the water cooler at an office... other than the Building Forum, and Gardening Forum.... the opinions offered I usually try to take with a grain of salt... again water cooler opinions. In my former office in town, we had plenty of silliness when thinsg got hectic... heck one time we made a sign that said "boss's boss" and taped it on the owner's wife's chair! Relieved the tension! We put a woopie cushion in the del driver's seat when they were turning and burning them at the height of the construction boom.

One of the guys making us laugh is no different in my mind.
I do not believe down playing crude remarks or ignoring people who are disrespectful is the answer.And yeah Puna web probably is one of the better forums,but that doesn't make it okay for people to be ugly.In the csgray thread, Rob deleted some remarks, that is telling and validates what I am saying.I am not talking about light straying,I am talking about down right ugly.Those particular ugly remarks are gone,so you might not know what I am talking about.And yes,humor and sarcasim is fun,but there is a time and place for everything.And for people being afrain.I personally know two people that do not talk in here because they feel if they have a serious issue it would be degraded.Also,what non-profit would want to come in here and announce their activities when their thread will have remarks that are harmful to their cause.

so much....and so little time
so much....and so little time
.....Also,what non-profit would want to come in here and announce their activities when their thread will have remarks that are harmful to their cause...

Actually many of them do post info on their activities or events in the non-classified sections.

I strongly and completely disagree with your opinion regarding their wanting to post. Punawebbers, as a rule, seem to be completely and enthusiastically supportive of non-profit events - see the very recent thread on "Black & White Night".

In my opinion (A non-objective thought that a person has formed about a topic or issue) the threads that raise the most chatter are ones near and dear to issues. An event is not an issue (although non-profit events may support issues in one form or another by holding fund-raising events.)

The members are individuals posting to topics. I assume that Haoleboy (for the sake of debate) speaks his position on a subject. I do not assume that all beer drinkers (for the sake of debate) hold the same opinion. If HaoleBoy posted a thread annoucing the Kona Brew Fest dates & times, as have been shown, most responders would 1) ask a question or 2) offer support for the event.

Edited by - kapohocat on 11/06/2007 16:25:56

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