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New cameras on speed limit signs hwy130
Could also be LPR(License plate reader)scanner. They scan every plate that passes by and any wanted vehicles can be identified and tracked.Can also be used to dispatch patrol units. For instance, Dispatch: "Unit 4, we just got a hit on plate "HGH TME" south bound at Ainaloa and 130 on a green Chevy pickup". It's amazing technology. Or it might just e a traffic camera thats used to monitor the flow of traffic.
Sounds like a first step in establishing an unending surveillance state designed to control every facet of our lives. Big Uncle is doubleplusgood! Wink
If there is a flash then the camera is not monitoring, it's a ticket. Motion cameras monitor, and sometimes ticket. Best to just obey the speed limit. This is all about money for those new roads in case FEMA flakes out and refuses to reimburse the county for the $20M bond just passed by the council.

Dunno, But, I think they are REQUIRED to put up warning signs for a certain period of time before the installation of the camera's (kinda like a cop isn't suppose to hide in the bushes) type thing.

Then the flash would have to be kinda intense, to get the front plate, and the picture of the driver as well. Plus if I'm not mistaken they also need the back plate as well? At least that is what was needed on the mainland. It wouldn't be just a small flash.

Until someone receives a citation in the mail, I won't be worried too much about this.

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Here an LA Times article on how the DEA uses the cameras. All newer plates are required to be reflective so the IR light used by the camera isn't noticible to the naked eye but it makes the plate light up like a Christmas tree.
Can also be used to dispatch patrol units. For instance, Dispatch: "Unit 4, we just got a hit on plate ...

That may work in metropolitan areas with plenty of police in a small area. In Puna it takes a long time for units to respond to a house call. A moving vehicle, in subdivisions with 20-150 miles of roads? They would be pretty difficult to catch.

I followed a large pickup truck for miles on Hwy 130 the other day, loaded with equipment for a job, clearly an ongoing job as it looked like a regular work site vehicle. No license plate, no safety sticker, no Hawaiian Kingdom tags, no police, no problem.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
I saw a camera at Makuu mounted on a 45 speed sign. And the other one was on some other street like paradise on 45.

They must be battery powered as they have a little antenna like on a router that relays the info to some other device.

Don't know about you, but if these are speed trap camera it would be very easy to walk up to one and destroy it. I think I could see it happening to someone that got mad after receiving a ticket in the mail.

I think they are testing them as well. The camera might be fine, for picking up plate #'s, but what about driver mug shot? Don't they need that as well? I guess it's time to start buying those smoked cover license plate holders. Tho, I hear they have clear ones now that can do the same trick.

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Resolution 19: create dedicated fund account and appropriate monies from the general fund in the amount of $6452.05 to purchase two "Stealth Stat Self-Radar" devices.

Is this what people are seeing?
Last night here at home,we had a long time friend visit,he has an app on his cell that listens to the puna police talk to one another.
The 3 police were running plates taken from these new camera's and with the uptick in stolen vehicles lately , they were nabbing all sorts of vehicles with wrong plates,expired this n that's,faulty lights and all recorded by these new camera's,apparently.It was an eye opener for us,as we never knew a person could listen in as clear as a bell of all the infractions they were nailing people on.
The most interesting was a light blue Mazda Miata convertible with a single male driver,expired everything.And after pulling him over,all heck broke loose,plenty police came and arrested his kulu and they towed the vehicle,all in the space of 15 mins on Hwy 130 between Paradise and Maku'u .
They also nailed a lifted older ford 4x4 with very wide tires and the plate came back as belonging to a VW Vanagon stolen in HPP last month as listened to this app is quite informative.
They also have 2 of these camera's on Ainaloa from the long house towards Hawaiian Acres connector county owned portion of the P.E.A.R.
I have a real problem resolving all the information and opinions on this thread, but it still comes down to one thing in my mind. Why the flash from the camera, if indeed it is one?

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