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Why some move here
Why we are moving there

Originally posted by onrway

Why we are moving there

A somewhat similar reason to why we bought a place in Puna (not snow, for us it's the constant lack of sunshine through 4+ months a year)

Just call me Mike
Me ka ha`aha`a,
Thanks Tom !
"Your link is to a generic astronomy as art site[...]"

That's the first time I've heard the BBC website called that...
Why Pahoated wants to continue to disparage Puna folk working for the observatories is beyond me.

"[...]which is doubtful more than 2 or 3 people in Puna have some direct connection. Obviously, you felt a need to somehow connect the two and vent."

You'll be able to name those people of course, won't you, Pahoated?

As for direct connections, many might not know that most of the observatories on Mauna Kea are or have been directly involved in supporting NASA planetary missions. Half of the IRTF's observing time is spent supporting NASA Solar System missions and UKIRT, Keck, Gemini and the JCMT have been or are currently involved in supporting those missions. Without their observations the NASA missions would have been impossible, and without the work that locals have done to support the observatories, those observations would not have been carried out, nor would the ongoing ones be possible.

Now, Pahoated, without making stuff up again, who are those two or three people in Puna you were talking about?
Thanks for sharing. When I was young I thought we would have more human exploration than we do by now, but just looking at the shots from Mars makes me remember the future I envisioned. And still hope.

Peace and long life
Peace and long life

"When I was young I thought we would have more human exploration than we do by now, but just looking at the shots from Mars makes me remember the future I envisioned. And still hope."

You're not alone. However, space travel is hard. Putting people on the moon was definitely our greatest achievement but getting them to other planets is tough. Politics stalled direct human exploration of the Solar System after the moon landings and it's a big hurdle to get over. However, sending people to other planets is technically and scientifically a much larger hurdle. We simply haven't evolved to live in space for long periods but dealing with that is something NASA is exploring.

I hope I'm still around to see the first person on Mars.

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