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Best internet, cell for HPP
I have called cable and get no were with them. Maybe we need a massive call in to them.
Maybe we need a massive call in to them.

A petition (on paper, with signatures) showing 35 subscribers/mile will probably achieve the desired effect.

On the other hand ... Oceanic might be too busy with the Comcast "merger".
Why not ask our county council to follow up on why they are not meeting the requirements of the franchise agreement that they have to provide service?
Having worked for and retiring from rural telephone companies I will testify that the squeaky wheel gets the grease. The same is true with any rural utility. If you want service from them, you need for them to dread hearing your name. Call them once a week, bug them, threaten them with letters to the head office or the Public Utilities Commission. Don't let them forget who you are or where you live. Multiply that by numbers of subscribers and you can give them a real headache.
ask our county council to follow up

Cable is regulated by State DCCA, not County. Lately they've been "agreeing to extend the deadline" rather than actually pass a new franchise agreement.

why they are not meeting the requirements

There is no actual requirement for the cable operator to provide service, despite being granted the exclusive right to do so.
Charter's application for Transfer of Cable Franchise includes this little gem:

Within 4 years of close, we will build out one million line extensions of our networks to homes in our franchise areas. These new facilities will either provide service to currently
unserved areas or will increase competition with existing providers.[i]

Are there even 1M homes in the state?

Disclaimer in footnote:

[i]9 Specific extensions, including those in Hawai'i, will be determined based upon a variety of factors including economic feasibility and commercial practicability.

Translation: we will cherry-pick the highest-margin service areas.
Has anyone in HPP area had Aloha Broadband connection problem today? Mine has been ON and OFF since last night for about 16 hours. Now is back on again but don't know for how long.
Originally posted by onrway

Having worked for and retiring from rural telephone companies I will testify that the squeaky wheel gets the grease. The same is true with any rural utility. If you want service from them, you need for them to dread hearing your name. Call them once a week, bug them, threaten them with letters to the head office or the Public Utilities Commission. Don't let them forget who you are or where you live. Multiply that by numbers of subscribers and you can give them a real headache.

Ditto to this from personal experience right here. I live on a road in central HPP which did not and still does not have 35 homes per mile, but got Oceanic service. Why? A persistent neighbor called them several times a week demanding service and insisting on speaking to supervisors each and every time. She also got other neighbors to do the same thing. When they guys were installing the cables, I told them that I didn't expect to see them for years and one said, "Some crazy lady drove the guys in the office nuts, so here we are." I have the service and love it, BTW. The crazy lady moved away two months after they strung the cable.
Iju....I have Alohabroadband and have been unable to stream movies for about 2 weeks now. Last 48 hours even viewing pages on the internet (like Punaweb) took forever to load. So to answer your question....Yes

I called it in yesterday and they said their maintainence people were working on the problem.
A persistent neighbor called them several times a week

Tried this; Oceanic said "we've never heard of that subdivision; is it new?"

Aloha Broadband connection problem

Note that Aloha resells Oceanic...

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