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Richard Ha's dispensary
Mr Ha may be having a hard time finding an Approved grower on the Big Island of Hawaii or within the DLNR office. I wonder if someone like Mr Ruggles who has been growing and providing MMJ on the Big Island for decades would be Qualified to be an approved MMJ grower. Pretty sure Mr Ha may need and test a Sprinkler system set-up as well for his indoor operation. Let's hope Mr Ha and his shop partners have plans to educate the growing community regarding the benefits and use of his MMJ products. jmo's
the black market for weed in Hawaii is $225 per oz

Even the black market price is higher on Oahu. Act surprised.

why do they make it so hard for themselves? laziness? stupidity?

Usually rent-seeking, centralizing power and authority, creating more cushy gov jobs for friends and family, etc, but I'm convinced the dispensary "licensing" is part of a broader scam, which will later be used to justify more cops joyriding on Green Harvest grant money.
kalakoa @ 07:24:33-
Yes, exactly.
Black market is 225? I guess I get a smokin deal then.
Originally posted by Mac2017

Black market is 225? I guess I get a smokin deal then.

Me too! I pay half that. Nice to know people...
This just won't do. An adjustment is necessary. Expect a Green Harvest onslaught soon.
Black market is under $200/oz, but "homegrown weed is tainted" per State:

Dana Ciccone, the head of the Steep Hill Hawaii lab, said that at least 75 percent of pot grown by patients or caregivers contains yeast, mold and pesticides. Meanwhile pot grown by the state's retail dispensaries has tested clean, Ciccone said.

"Local weed is super dirty, but dispensary weed is the cleanest in the nation," he told a medical cannabis legislative oversight group Wednesday.

Where do they come up with these numbers?
I'll give you a hint: not the Big Island, which has neither labs nor dispensaries.
Even on Maui or Oahu, I have to question how many home growers or caregivers take their stuff in for testing?

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