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More from Tulsi: Net neutrality to be repealed

I understand the FCC is going ahead with ending Net Neutrality on Dec. 14th.
What/which is the moot point?

I took kalakoa's comment "Simply switch to another ISP, right?" to mean if net neutrality is done away with, it's not as if many people can realistically switch to another ISP. Most of us have a choice of one. If we don't have the option to switch to an ISP that doesn't throttle our service, we will be forced to pay for what the ISP wants to sell us.

the FCC is going ahead with ending Net Neutrality on Dec. 14th.

It's a vote by the FCC. Between now and then you can contact your representatives and tell them what you think of net neutrality.

“Facts fall from the poetic observer as ripe seeds.” -Henry Thoreau
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
This is one of your reps, who is do'in something about this issue... from op's post -
I understand the FCC is going ahead with ending Net Neutrality on Dec. 14th.

That's a bit too fatalistic a view for my liking, and apparently many others agree. Take, for instance, the following statements made by one of the actually FCC commissioners...


FCC Commissioner Pleads: ‘Please Stop Us From Killing Net Neutrality’
The FCC plans to vote on a plan to eliminate net neutrality next month.

One of the Federal Communications Commission’s top five officials has urged Americans to “make a ruckus” in response to the agency’s plan to vote next month on a policy to gut net neutrality.

In an op-ed published Wednesday in the Los Angeles Times, FCC Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel issued an urgent plea for the public to call or write to the FCC before the Dec. 14 vote.

“Reach out to the rest of the FCC now,” wrote Rosenworcel, who served as a commissioner under the Obama administration from 2012 to 2017 and was unanimously confirmed to return under Chairman Ajit Pai in August. “Tell them they can’t take away internet openness without a fight..."

...Republicans opposed the Obama-era net neutrality rule. On Tuesday, Pai released his long-expected proposal to reverse the policy, calling the 2015 regulations “politically motivated” and based on “a misguided and flawed interpretation.”

But Rosenworcel says Pai’s proposal is a “lousy idea,” writing that “it deserves a heated response from the millions of Americans who work and create online every day.”

“There is something not right about a few unelected FCC officials making such vast determinations about the future of the internet,” she added. “I’m not alone in thinking this.”

I other words, Tulsi's call for our adding our names to her petition isn't without merit, and if you don't sign it, and do whatever else you might be inspired to do to spur on our representatives to resist this insanity..

I am sorry.. Trump makes me sick!

So, again, here is the link to Tulsi's petition..
Tulsi is akamai.

Glinda, you need to get better informed about YOUR President.
RWR, since you're new here (ha!), I hope you don't mind if I point out that discussion of national politics is frowned upon on Punaweb.
Yes, glinda started it, but he thinks he's above petty rules, his opinion is too important for that.

I'm not so sure about Tulsi but I wholeheartedly support her net neutrality campaign, thanks for the link.
glinda, once again, misses no incorrect opportunity to blame the president. In this case for something that has been in the works since before he even took office. The telecoms have been fighting this since 2014 or earlier.

I am sorry.. Trump makes me sick!
you need to get better informed about YOUR President.
misses no incorrect opportunity to blame the president

This is a good example of an occurrence that Rob has pointed out in the past. Get people in Puna to start arguing among themselves, then walk away and do nothing.

We do not get a vote for FCC commissioners, they are appointed.
We can contact our representatives about the net neutrality issue.
The last vote was in February 2015, when public pressure helped encourage the FCC to vote the internet is a utility, not a luxury, and net neutrality was upheld.

Private companies want to bill you for the internet, something your tax dollars already paid to develop and expand. Now the corporations want to take the internet's capabilities, for free, and bill you.


“Facts fall from the poetic observer as ripe seeds.” -Henry Thoreau
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
PaulW @03:02:08-
Just to mention, Rep. Gabbard as Hawaii's Congressional Rep for the Big Island and the rest of this State
outside of Honolulu, so is local.
Changes to tax law and regulatory policy will have a direct effect on everybody residing on the Hawaiian
Including the rather odd DoJ lawsuit against the "att"/ Time Warner merger.
I do share your and other's suspicions about RWR's identity too.
HOTPE @ 08:11:25-
I agree with you.
ISP's are a a requirement for life, and therefor a utility, and therefor, must be fully available,
without discrimination to all.

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