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Kehena Beach People Getting Mobbed
HAHA LOL Full Metal Jacket! This is for fighting, this is for

mella l
mella l
Art and Science
So, are people getting MUGGED at Kehena or MOBBED? Mugging is usually one or two guys who are after your money and jewelry, whereas mobbing is a group of people all violently piling on one person with the intention to do as much harm as possible in a mass act. That's why it's called mob violence. Neither are desirable, but it sure is a different thing if people are getting mugged or if there were 3 mobbings at Kehena. If there were 3 muggings then there are one or two guys that need to be caught, if there were 3 mobbings then we have a large number of out of control violent people with a taste for mass psychosis, which is a truly scary thing.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
Sorry for the confusion on the Title of this thread. The paper said "Muggings".

Damons Digest

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