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Any amateur photographers out there?
Hi Anthony:

Well I found the forum. Let me know when/where the first meeting might be.



Chinese curse "May you live in interesting times".
Aloha Fellow Photo Enthusiasts:
The May 13th gathering at Volcanoes National Park has been confirmed by several people. We will meet in the Keaau McDonald's Parking lot at 9 a.m. this first time and go from there.
We will wait for people to arrive until 9:15 am then take off.
My suggested "mini" photo adventure is the trail down into Kilauea Caldera. It is a fairly mild hike down (bring along water anyway).
I went by the park earlier this week and was reminded that it can often be damp & misty over there. An umbrella and something to protect your equipment is a good idea.
I tend to take my time when I go to these places, however, I am not expecting this to be more than an hour or two.
After the short excursion I thought that we could all head up to Volcano House for lunch. The food isn't great but the backdrop of the crater is awesome.
I have talked with many of you in person and on the phone. I believe we will have a wide range of photo experience, equipment preference and expertise if this group comes together.
I have room for 2 others in my car and I have purchased the $25 park pass so no need to chip in unless you want to.
This will be a pretty loose get together to figure out if we have the makings for a photo club. Bring along your ideas.
Thanks for expressing interest.

"The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want and if they can't find them, make them." - George Bernard Shaw
First Puna Photo Club Gathering, May 13, 2006:
My thanks to Pam Jones & Chris for attending this first gathering.
I was concerned that we would be rained out, however, it turned out to be an awesome day.
We arrived at Volcanoes National Park at about 10 am and were treated with a free hula performance over near the art center.
After the performance we headed down the trail into the Kilauea Caldera.
The weather held out and we enjoyed a leisurely stroll around in the caldera photographing the Ohia Lehua Blossoms against the lava backdrop, as well as, the stunning and stark beauty of the crater.
Heading back up the trail at about 1:30 the light was filtering through the rainforest which allowed for some great shots.
Once we had arrived back at the Volcano House, our calves a little sore, we had a casual lunch and swapped stories about ourselves and photography.
I thoroughly enjoyed this outting. No expectations, just shared enthusiasm for the island and photography.
I will try to come up with some options for our next gathering. I still feel we should keep these initial get togethers loose and within the Hilo/Puna area for now.
You do not have to be a photographer to join us. Just bring a camera, ask questions, and we will share what we know and point out things we find interesting to photograph.
Thanks again Pam & Chris for a fun get together.
For those of you who expressed an interest but could not attend there will be a next time, hope you can make it.
With regard to the club itself, if we can put together a few more of these I think we can call ourselves a club. Once that is established I will put up a website to feature members and happenings.

"The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want and if they can't find them, make them." - George Bernard Shaw
My sentiments exactly Tony. What a fun day it was and this weather was primo! I am sorry for those of you who couldn't make it, you missed out on a really great experience. I can hardly wait for the next time and as beautiful as it is here, it is virtually impossible to take a really bad shot, even with a point and shoot. Smile and don't forget to say cheeeeeeeeeeeese!;-)

Pictures, We want pictures!!

Chinese curse "May you live in interesting times".
Here, Here, me toooo! LOL

Glad you all had a great and fine day and sorry we couldn't be there! Me I'm the point, shoot, cheezie type and my other half is the aspiring photo hound. Hope to join you all one day!

mella l
mella l
Art and Science
Tony - do you have to register to see your photos on Yahoo? I wasn't sure how to access them (not TOO lame)!

Carrie Rojo


"Freedom has a scent like the top of a newborn baby's head..." U2
Aloha John,

Nice meeting up with you on Punaweb, this is Peter from Naalehu.

Great forum and and I am posting my first message with this link to those who may be interested in checking out the "Hilo Photography Club" I have been a member for the past few years and have enjoyed going out on photo shooting trips with this club. Membership is only $15 per year and we meet once a month.

Best regards,

Peter A

I am not a photographer, not even an amateur one, but I love to take pictures in Volcano Village as well as in the area around the winery.

Typically Tropical Properties
75-5870 Walua Road, Suite 101
Kailua-Kona, HI 96740

Tony -

Count me in! I wish I had gone with you folks the last time, but alas, I don't hang out enough on the Punaweb, now that I'm forced to used dial up, so I didn't read about it 'till it was too late. Sad

I'll get the scoops from you when we meet for the shirts!

I'm just so excited - maybe I'll finally get someone to explain Fstops to me so that I can understand it! Ha! Ha!


Thanks Peter for the info about the Hilo Photo Club and especially the Photo Expo going on NOW.
I visited the Opening Night last night and was impressed.


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