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Cash crop or is it a money tree

"Ya’ pretty much plant the weed do very little work to raise the plant.Then go cut it down, dry it in your garage, and sell it to the neighborhood children."

Ha Ha Ha. So that's all there is to it.

I thought you had to keep a good strain going through selective breeding. Then either pull the males at just the right time, or make clones from a nice "mother" plant. Keep your media at the correct ph. Stumble out to the bush with your Keikis and try not to break a leg falling in a puka. If your plants are in containers you've got to water and feed them (while keeping your trail hidden from rippers), then you've got to hang close so you can hide them if the boys are flying. If you put them in the ground you've got to spread them out for stealth and camoflage them good while trying to let the light in. All the while they're vulnerable to rats, insects, rippers, fungus, drought, helicopters, or hermaphrodites(the plant kind).

I used to do this in the day when they didn't fly every couple of months. It was hard, stressful work then; and even harder now. With small stealthy plants, 100 keikis may yield a few ounces in three months. Believe me, it's a lot easier to just work a legitimate job and buy a bag once in awhile.

The only people making real money are the ones with hundreds of plants in a greenhouse or inside under lights. This is even more stressful and dangerous, because eventually someone with a beef is going to narc you out, and if it's on your property, there's nowhere to hide; your busted!

Oh yeah, the cartels, al queda, and the eradication police are all making a bundle too.

Have any prohibitive laws or punishments ever slowed down the use of herbs? No, they just increase it's monatary value.

There's a lot of people getting rich from the herb, but it's not the small neighborhood guy, and that's why it probably won't be legalized.

addictive? That's another subject that I'm familier with firsthand. Another day maybe.

Grow it? Smoke it? Sell it? Buy it?
Is it any business of the government?
Marijuana, right? Wrong. Tobacco.

In my ole Kentucky home we used to grow lots of it, all subsidized by Uncle Sam so as to keep the big companies in plentiful supply and we tobacco share croppers surviving another year and poor enough to need to produce another crop of the stuff.

Grow all you like? No. Each farm had an allotment -- first a limit on the acres that could be grown, then a limit on the weight that could be sold. Plant too much? Chop 'em down, the extra plants while the government man watches. Grow too much? No can sell more than weight allotment.

What a bunch of strangeness, huh?

Only in the last decade has it really changed. Now, the big companies contract directly with a few big growers; and Mexican workers do what I used to do, bless 'em!

Personally, I do not have a good relationship with tobacco now (except it is very good topically applied to bee stings, centipede bites, etc).
Nevertheless, it was, after all, the drug of choice for my Red ancestors before Columbus took it back to Europe and then the world got nicotine jones.

Now, I grow and use coffee, and am working to expand into sales. Hope the government doesn't cause me any trouble with that drug.

James Weatherford, Ph.D.
15-1888 Hialoa
Hawaiian Paradise Park

If they try and take away our coffee, don't worry - I and about a billion other suddenly very edgy people will flood the streets and rebel!!!!!!!!
Uluhe Design
Native Landscape Design

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