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Mac Made Easy open in Hilo
if someone from domain name comes knocking, it is safe to approve him.
Originally posted by hooligal

Beachboy, yes it's the same company from O'ahu.

FYI, when your Mac does go out of warranty try fixing or upgrading yourself. My mom's 5 year old laptop died 2 weeks ago & apple quoted her $900 to fix it. Instead, she sent it to me and I did it for a total outlay of $60 bucks. Dang, I'm in the wrong business!

I have dabbled with several of my Macs in the past. But only ones that no longer were under warranty. You know how anal Steve Jobs is about messing with the guts of your Mac. He thinks he knows what everybody wants under their hood. Open a Mac under warranty that you can't fix, and Apple will refuse to take it! Apple has always been that way with their products.
I'm also a die hard Mac maniac. To me there is nothing better in the computing world as far as hardware or OS software goes. Macs are just so intuitive it's amazing. Where if I have to go into the Window world it's all sooo confusing for me!!! Plus I just dislike that "bloatware" known as Windows!


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Well, we have a Macaroni Grill down at the Queen's Shops, over here on this side of the Island.

(It's true but I'm kidding, OK?)
The lady across the street from me is a Mac Tech. She's been doing business in Puna for years. You can reach her at

Carrie Rojo

"You're a monster Mr. Grinch. Your Hearts an empty hole. Your brain is full of spiders - You've got garlic in your soul Mr. Grinch I wouldn't touch you with a 39 and a half Foot pole..."
Carrie Rojo

"Even the smallest person can change the course of the future..." Galadriel LOTR
Reporting Back on my Ship & Fix. Apple Care Tech repaired my laptop within 24 hours and returned it FedEx Overnight from the Mainland. All on their dime.

* I'd rather fail at happiness than succeed at misery *
* I'd rather fail at happiness than succeed at misery *
My husband tried to do business with Mac Made Easy yesterday. They need to change their name! We know exactly what is wrong, the DVD drive doesn't work, and since the laptop is a vital tool for him which he uses every day he wanted them to order the part, and then let him bring the laptop in when they were ready to repair it. Instead they wanted him to leave the laptop, they would get to it in 4-7 days, then order the part which would take another 3-5 days to get, then another week or so to fix it. Total computerless time 2 to 3 WEEKS. He even offered to pay for the part up front and they refused to budge, it was their way or no way.

Instead he called Apple, they will send him a loaner, fix and return his laptop, all in less than a week total time, no charge for the shipping! MME needs to give people a reason to use them, it shouldn't be faster and easier to send your laptop to California to be fixed than to take it into MME in Hilo.


Every time you feel yourself getting pulled into other people's nonsense, repeat these words: Not my circus, not my monkeys.
Polish Proverb
OK, this is SPOOKY!

Carol, we went in there yesterday for the exact same thing and got the same runaround!

I too cannot give up my laptop, which is my only computer. They say they have a policy not to order the parts before the computer is left with them. That is ridiculous. I don't care if they've been burned by people not coming back. That can be addressed by allowing customers who are willing to pay for or put a CC# down to guarantee paying for the part.

It is absolutely ridiculous, in Hawai'i, with its notorious delays in parts shipping, to ask people to leave their business in the shop while a part is ordered.

Also we asked them about installing my new hard drive, and they wanted $120 in labor, which seems excessive to me. We would do it ourselves but don't want to void our Apple Care warranty.

Also we were told that their whole parts ordering system is on the fritz at the moment.
PS. Ah, it appears my son met your husband who came in just after him, but left before he heard the runaround. They told us a possible three days. I'm glad to hear your story as now I don't trust for a minute it would be 3 days.

btw, your husband and I have the same model, and have both had problems with that drive for a long time.
folks, even before Apple Store reached the shores of the Sandwhich Isle. Mac Made Easy was in serious trouble! There was a far better company there called MacMouse. They have such a loyal customer base because of their outstanding service. They were just one more reason Mac Made Easy was looking for greener pastures else where.

So it sounds like they still haven't learned there lesson! You'd think they would come here with the opportunity the start over and do it right!?!? JERKS!!!!

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I got a call back from them today (I'm blanking on his name, but he appeared to be the owner or manager). Call was to say the part ordering system was working again and I could now bring my computer back in to have it diagnosed, the part ordered, and get my computer back in 3-5 days.

I told them I can't understand why they can't order the part and I bring the puter in when it arrives. He explained:
this is their policy here and on Oahu (this one never does much for me, the "it's our policy so that's how it is" rationale)

they've been burned before with people failing to come get the part
Apple requires the defective part to arrive back quickly or they get charged for the part.
This part I somewhat understand, as I know this from swapping out my battery.
STILL, if a customer wants to take on liability for the cost, in case the customer doesn't come in in a timely fashion after the part arrives, I think that should be an option.

So then the next objection offered is it takes too much "administrative" time were they have to call people when parts come in AND it's also too much trouble to keep track of which computer belongs to which part.

This I have a big problem with. Um, you call it administrative, I call it customer service.
Um, it's too much work to tie and track the computers with the ordered part?

Then isn't it just as hard to keep track of computers that are left waiting for parts?
Even if this made sense, this does not inspire me to leave my precious computer.

I tried an analogy, i.e. if a car dealer told me to leave my car with them before they would order a part, and until it arrived and the vehicle was repaired, that sure wouldn't fly. But then he said a lot of car repair DOES work that way. Well, obviously if your car is not running or the part had to be pulled as part of the repair, you have to leave it, but that's hardly the case if you simply need a part and meanwhile your car is running. They certainly will order the part. (I didn't say all this, I just thought it).

After that analogy failed, he said well you're free to call Apple and they'll send it to Tennessee. Bye (abruptly, not that politely).

I'm not trying to trash their business but merely state why I think this system is dumb. The rules are all to save them from having to make phone calls and be organized to what I consider a pretty average standard. I don't understand why they're above what is SOP for most businesses that do repairs.

Beachboy, yes, I have noted your comment that it didn't work on Oahu either! [8D]


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