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Aside from that, most people that live on the East Coast to the Midwest spend their money to go to the Caribbean. I know this because "I was one and I know many more." Airfare is one issue, but the travel time is even more. That said, I would love to go to Cuba and will probably do so when it becomes legal. However, It would not be a decision that I would have made ... "Cuba over Hawaii" when I lived in California. Most Californians do very little travel to the Carribean. I know many there that have never been there once but that have been to Hawaii multiple times.

Regarding Cuba's medical system, I have Cuban American friends who have to bring such basic things as asprin to their families. I am not so sure that it is as equitable as you think, but that is totally irrelivant to Puna or Hawaii.

Originally posted by Bob Orts

When Cuba is open to direct US tourism, there will be those that will visit Cuba instead of Hawaii just because it’s new. But overall, it's still a warm exotic "Caribbean" destination, not a warm exotic "South Pacific" destination. It would be the same as deciding to visit Asia or Europe, two different destinations with two different feels.

The only danger to Hawaii is exposing US citizens to Cuba’s health care system. Considering they have been operating under an embargo with severe US sanctions for dealing with Cuba, they have managed to put together a health care system that will make Hawaii blush. But Hawaii's tourism will not suffer.

Aloha au i Hawai`i,
OH... that is where you got that picture! Photoshop extraorinaire!

Originally posted by Damon

Devany -

Want to see a funny picture of Lingle... ah never mind.

Damon Tucker's Weblog

Aloha au i Hawai`i,
>Want to see a funny picture of Lingle... ah never mind

So you're hijacking a thread to point people towards a fake picture
you have of a Jewish politician dressed up in a Nazi uniform?

Grow up.
A few reasons to consider, most of the Atlantic side resorts are not as safe (at least the cheaper ones, especially Mexico). Cuba has endless miles of unspoiled beaches,and will be very safe, as they already have most of what our govt. wants here. Total gun control and population control. Hotels and casinos the local population can't enter (to keep them pure I'm sure) and socialized medicine which is necessary as they couldn't pay for a bandaid if they had to with their economy.
Devany, as a Hilo resident, don't be so quick to knock other posters off, we don't have a port in Puna, and who cares about the coming and going of the cruise ships.
It's OK if you tell though, I'd like his thoughts on same.
Gordon J Tilley
Originally posted by PaulW

>Want to see a funny picture of Lingle... ah never mind

So you're hijacking a thread to point people towards a fake picture
you have of a Jewish politician dressed up in a Nazi uniform?

Grow up.

Who was doing any pointing? HUH??? WTF are you talking about? Talk about hijacking a thread?

I was trying to bring a cuba thread back to Hawaii in a funny way.

Geez... I guess NOW I KNOW who my advertiser was talking about that complained to him about my blog.... LMAO!

Geez dude... know what sattire is? Parody? Hijack?

Well at least I know someone's reading my blog... cause I did NO POINTING HERE[}Smile][:X]

Damon Tucker's Weblog
IMO, Hawaii nothing to fear tourist-wise from CUBA. I'd suspect they'd draw more from the visitors to Mexico or other Central American spots. Hawaii has its own special allure.


Ninole Resident
Ninole Resident
I have been on Caribbean cruises and seen Cuba for days as we sailed around it. I was amazed at the size and I have always been fascinated by it and longed to visit. I think many people have a curiosity about it and the perceived forbidden nature of it is alluring. That said I lives east and west coast mainland as well and the east tends to go Atlantic and Caribbean and the west does Hawaii. Not sure Hawaii needs to panic just yet.

Regarding healthcare... I am not an expert on the subject but know we have some issues in this country. My boyfriend is in the business. The bulk of my knowledge of the Cuban healthcare system came from the Michael Moore movie Sicko (which I HIGHLY recommend). So yeah, now I have gone and brought up Michael Moore which everyone seems to love to hate for some reason.

Anyway Peace Out!

You have advertisers? Never noticed. Do they pay you, or do you pay them?

I don't know what "sattire" is, but if you mean satire, the dictionary says:

satire (n)
1 : a literary work holding up human vices and follies to ridicule or scorn
2 : trenchant wit, irony, or sarcasm used to expose and discredit vice or folly
3 : pictures of Jewish people dressed in Nazi uniforms

Oh, I guess you're right, it was satire.
Damon, you were trying to help Devany help Rob get the thread away from Cuba (a competing location) to showcase your newfound art skills. Mabe you and Devany could get together and start a "illustrated" comic book, you already have the body!
Gordon J Tilley
Originally posted by PaulW

You have advertisers? Never noticed. Do they pay you, or do you pay them?

Well if I get a free house in the long run... the cheap monthly rate he pays me now might pay off in the long run. (And yes he is a contributing Punaweb member!) [Big Grin][Big Grin][Big Grin]

Of course I get paid. Never Noticed the AD... PERFECT... but it only takes my advertiser to get one client in a year to make his money back off his ad on my blog... and he already filled that quotient in 6 weeks.

Do I blog to get paid... NOPE! Would I like too... of course.

Now back to Cuba...

Noel had Cuban bananas a while back to give away.

Someone said something about jealousy earlier...[}Smile]

Damon Tucker's Weblog

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