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Hilo Target and Safeway Lease signed
I used to have a Target at hand in the East Bay (California), but rarely shopped there. But then, I didn't shop at Walmart there either. Here there is so little choice ... that each option makes a difference.
I imagine it will be nicer to shop in here just because it's going to have nice people staffing it, which was not the case in Richmond or El Cerrito or wherever that one I visited was at ... the staff was rude. I remember I bought a toaster there and it caught on fire when it was brand new, and I had to wait in line an hour to return it. Gee, I wonder why I didn't become a huge fan.
LOL Kathy... I have a friends in the East Bay that will not even drive in Richmond, let alone shop there!

In the last few years Target has gone significantly upscale (in design,not pricing), using major designers to design lines just for them. Even their own brand of gourmet foods and drinks is better than anything I have ever seen in a Walmart. I guess K-Mart has done the same with Martha too (though I haven't been in one for 30 years), but Target took it to a new level, in every department with different designers. It has more of an Ikea style to it. Smith and Hawken even developed a line for them.

I think you are right, here we will at least have friendly employees, and ones that are delighted that they have a job! I think that the Hilo Target will also be cleaner and better organized than the store you visited.

The only departments that will be missing in the Target vs Walmart contest will be that Target has no Mc Donald's, no gun sales and no fabric/craft department. I can't remember if Target has opticians either, I don't remember them. They too usually have a Starbucks in all of their stores. I wonder if we will have a Starbucks in both Target and Safeway, that would be strange wouldn't it? Every Target and Safeway store I have been in on the mainland has a Starbucks, but I have never seen them both in the same center before, though I have seen them in neighboring centers. This could be a first.

Unfortunately, I think with the economy what it is, the old Safeway is probably going to sit empty for a while. I have heard (never actually been in the mall) that there are a lot of empty stores in the mall now. It could make a great skating rink or youth center.

Aloha au i Hawai`i,
thanks, it does sound like Target is no longer the old Target I tried and never got into. I understand better now why people ask for a Target. I remember K-mart from its very beginning, when it was the place for cheap clothes that fall apart soon after they're washed, and no style. Then I remember when Jaclyn Smith did her line for them and I was amazed. They did re-invent themselves.

I can't remember now where the Target was in the East Bay, but it wasn't in the part of Richmond where I won't drive (same as your friend). It may have been north El Cerrito. Anyway it was an easy off the freeway deal, so no fear factor involved. But yeah, the staff was indifferent and rude, no personal warmth like in Hawai'i.

There is still that Starbucks right there across Maka'ala from Walmart, very close to the new center ...

You haven't been in the mall yet? You should go, if only to see another side to Hilo life, and see where the teens hang out. There's not too much in the mall that I shop for, outside the anchor stores, but I do go to the movies now and then. But for local life the mall is huge and the people watching is good.
I love Target for home decor...they have funky, colorful stuff that you don't have to pay so much for.

Carrie Rojo

"...So began the massacre of the Shaolin Temple and all sixty of the monks inside at the fists of the White Lotus. And so began the legend of Pai Mei's five-point-palm-exploding-heart technique." - Bill
Carrie Rojo

"Even the smallest person can change the course of the future..." Galadriel LOTR
I like Target or as it's upscale name goes (say it with cheesy european accent) "Targz-shay".

On my last trip to the mainland I bought shorts and jeans at Target and I'll probably continue to shop there if it opens here in Hilo.
See you in the surf
I don't spend a lot of time in Target stores but this type of store certainly has it's place. You could not pay me to go in a Walmart and K-Mart still exists?? Target does have some commendable corporate philosophies for those that care about such things. They have a commitment to the environment and lowering their carbon footprint, they appreciate diversity, they have programs that give back to the community where stores are located, they chose suppliers more carefully (not everything comes from China) and they treat them better. They are not perfect but they try harder than Walmart. Here are some links to more information for those inclined to know more.


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