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health food store
National Chain? I think the Down to Earth is a Hawaiian Chain. They are based in Honolulu. But the new Island Naturals will be larger than any other and be the most comprehensive Local and Natural Foods store on the big island. That is worth going out of my way for. I am with Blake on this one, going out of my way is perfectly fine with me if it is a company that supports local and healthy stuff.

I really don't like going to the Walmart Center for anything, as I do the stores on that entire strip. I only go there when I really need something I cannot get downtown.

However, when I was delivering magazines the other day I found the most amazing selection of hardback books for just $1 at Borders. I bought 13 of them (all I could carry). It reminded me of going to the library when I was a kid in S. CA. The limit was 14 books for three weeks. And I read 14 books every three weeks from the time I was 6 through college. Now I only read 1-2 a week.

Aloha au i Hawai`i,
I did tell you that Borders has its perks ... ;-)
Right now I have a 40% off coupon for any book of my choice that I will certainly take advantage of to get one I've been lusting over but can't afford.

You may not like the Walmart shopping center, but the fact is that the great majority of Hilo shoppers pass through that center or the Kuhio center or both, and it is a GREAT location for a business. You may go out of your way but most shoppers don't like to change their routine, especially shoppers who've lived here for many years. Thus I think it is a mistake on the part of IN. A small contingent of people who go out of their way for what they want and like to shop really early is not going to pay their rent. I spend a minimum of $200 a month there, sometimes more (ouch!), and that may not transfer over, and I am just one customer.

Good to know that Down to Earth is an in-state chain.

Not only do I like Island Naturals but they know me as a customer and I am friends with the people there, so that is why I'm distressed they moved. I am not much of a "shopper" and I don't like to run all over town doing my errands. At most I want to go to two locations on a town run, and I will not circle to park. I have a standing weekly special order from Island Naturals that is too heavy for me to carry, so it's important that I be able to park reasonably close to the store, and it was never an issue at their current location.
I passed by the new Island Naturals yesterday. They are still working on the inside but the door was open and I peeked in. It looks beautiful - clean, fresh, inviting and bigger. I can't wait for it to open. It will be closer to me, and I have never had a problem parking at Hilo Shopping Center. I've been there many different times during the day. I avoid the bigger shopping centers after having had two cars hit me and leave no note or anything.
That's good ... I want them to do well.
Interesting about the accidents. That is a factor for me but the other way. I got rear-ended on Kekuanoa near that shopping center, and I don't like driving there now, but I had the issues with the parking way before that. Time Warner is there so when I need to change out a box I have to go there.

There may have been parking in the past, but we have yet to see what happens to parking with insertion of a major store and no new parking created!
Just an note for seniors. Island Naturals gives a 5 percent discount to seniors, but not for sale items or produce. Kea‘au Natch gives 15 percent for everything. Do not know about Down to Earth.

LOL... yes, I did find something good at Borders! I get one of those 40% off coupons every month, but have never used them, however there is a new hardback coming out in a few days that I have my eye on.

I would think that there will be a loading zone in front of the new Island Naturals store for your heavy weekly purchase. I would also guess that they could carry it to your car if you need assistance. I have seen people do that for elderly customers at Abundant Life and certainly all of the grocery stores offer that kind of help.

Shekelpal: do you know what the Senior age is for those stores? Abundant life also has a Sr. discount as does the health food store in Waimea, there you also save 10% if you spend $50, which is never a problem for me. I was surprised to learn that 55 is the senior age for a discount at Ace Hardware! I am hitting that number in a few days, so looking forward to the advantages. The theater in the mall has a 62 year limit, and Wes will get that in September. We went there for the first time to see Julie and Julia on Friday. We mostly go to the Palace for movies, they have more of the kind of films we prefer and we love supporting the Palace.

What I have found about many Hilo people is that they are resistant to change of any kind, even good changes. A new bigger better store, more centrally located is a good change. We also love Kope Kope with their great coffee (and food), free wi-fi and live music. Another good reason to go to the Hilo shopping center.

Aloha au i Hawai`i,
Thinking with the business side of my head ....Island Naturals really screwed the pooch. All that established walk by trade going to a competitor. Hope they got a really good deal on the new lease.

'Bet you they would have done it differently - if they knew who the next tenant would be one of those hindsight is 20-20 deals in my opinion.

Anything that brings more choice to the shopper is positive though... good for us!
Sorry but neither Island Naturals or Down to Earth get my business! I am sticking with abundant Life and Keaau Naturals as both have incredibly good customer service!
i forgot about keaau naturals. we go there, too. i guess, for us, we'll patronize whichever store is near to where we will be doing errands. i still think that AL has better prices (i could be wrong). bought some tofurky sausage (2 packages) the other day for under $4 each.

"chaos reigns within.
reflect, repent and reboot.
order shall return."

microsoft error message with haiku poetry
"a great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices."

w. james

It is age 60 at Kea‘au Natch and Island Natch.


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