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Camping in April
Whoa, when would we have time for camping with all that other stuff going on?? :-)

Thanks for the info Carey! Maybe we'll just be kinda transient during this trip. As far as I can see we better bring a sleeping bag at least. I'll check out some of the cabins you mentioned, plus we will spend one night on the Kona side too (already got suggestions for that area)

Thanks again all!

Enjoy the day! Ann

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Enjoy the day! Ann
I see on the park website that Volcano House and the little camping cabins will be closed from January 2010 for 6 months, so those are out.

Enjoy the day! Ann

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Enjoy the day! Ann
On the West Coast ... I have always thought camping at Spencer Beach looked great. You should be able to find the information through the links Carey (the Go To Girl) sent.

Aloha au i Hawai`i,
"... Take your swim suits off and go native at Kahena beach ..."

LOML won't let me
Puna: Our roosters crow first
Seriously, we wouldn't subject innocent by-standers to such a site! Besides, when we've done that before Tom just always carries the ice chest around in front of him where ever he goes (it's an ongoing joke, especially since we decided to purchase near Kehena beach) hope he doesn't read this....

Enjoy the day! Ann

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Enjoy the day! Ann
The ice chest is for safety, just in case a rogue wave hits, right? (check with Rich & Mark on this)

It may just be us, but it seems most of the time we are at the Kehena overlook, there are naked people with 'marine mammal insulation' & skinny people in full wetsuits. Of course from up at the overlook, everyone looks like jelly beans, so wadda I know?
Hey I don't wear a wetsuit at Kehena!
Hazen, you probably don't look like a jelly bean either! :-)

Yep Carey, the ice chest is for safety measures I'm sure... and I carry the towels, wrapped around of course.

Enjoy the day! Ann

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Enjoy the day! Ann
LOL Carey. I have never seen anyone in wetsuits at Kehena, but I would say at least half of the people there do wear something. And there are certainly lots of different bodies there, clothed and not. It is a great beach though and worth the hike down. However, carrying an ice chest down that cliff... at least a good sized one might be a feat in itself, naked or not.

Aloha au i Hawai`i,
Yeah, Tom might have to nix the old ice chest safety blanket... he could fall off the cliff with it and then it would probably get worse from there! :-)

Enjoy the day! Ann

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Enjoy the day! Ann

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