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No exception for Emily?
Well lets keep things in perspective here...Emily is not the queen, and the food court isn't exactly a fine restaurant.

I'm British (soon to be American I hope!). What I can tell you is that if the queen of England wanted to have a late meal in some food mall it would have been arranged in advance. I don't know what would happen if she just turned up somewhere demanding to be fed after closing hours. I would hope that she'd be told to find a restaurant elsewhere. That's certainly what I would do.

My point is that if Emily arranged something ahead of time then fine, but if she and her group just turned up with no warning and then expected people to stay late at work with no prior notice that's simply out of order. I don't know what happened in the case you describe but if there was no prior arrangement I'm proud of the workers who showed her the door. If she accepted that then fine, this is a non-story.

In a way I share your surprise and I know what you're trying to say although I'm a little troubled with the comparison to the UK's queen!

Incidentally, I have met members of the UK royal family before. I have no time for them, I am not a royalist and despise the idea of a royal family, but in all cases they were very polite and would not just turn up somewhere expecting people to serve them at all hours. I would hope that council members here in Hawaii would behave the same way.

Once the elections are over in November, should my husband, or James Weatherford, or Barbara Lively replace Emily in her current council seat, I would like to think there are all level headed and grounded enough to realize that being a council person is ther JOB. Not a lifestyle. Regardless of Emily continually telling us all she is a local celebrity, she ISN'T! She is an elected official who is supposed to work for us. This is not a pedestal on which to stand, it is a job.

Heidi Baker
Heidi Baker
Originally posted by TomK


In a way I share your surprise and I know what you're trying to say although I'm a little troubled with the comparison to the UK's queen!

Tom,I didn't mean any disrespect in this comparison.
And I didn't come with it in the post.
For some reason this comparison came across my mind right there when Emily was leaving.
Just to clarify a possible misunderstanding.

I was surprised by the fact itself regarding no exception for a celebrity.

You can substitute Emily with Obama or the most popular singer..
I am proud for the Food Court employees.But in my opinion it was very unusual.

Emily? A celebrity? Even mentioning her in the same context with Elizabeth Windsor or Obama is kind of silly. It is entirely possible that the people at the food court had no idea who she was and wouldn't have treated any differently if they had. Emily might have been the Queen of Makuu at one time, but a lot of the people I know there have lost faith in her.
It looks like they knew.At least the one by the door.She is too colorful not to recognize.
I'm sure if the President, Brad Pitt or the Pope showed up, someone would have flipped him a burger or made a quick order of stir fry something...but a local resident who happens to be a Council Member should expect to be treated just like any other local resident. Besides, WalMart isn't even in her district.
I am a little puzzled by this topic. There seems to be no indication that Emily asked for, expected or received anything special so I am of the opinion that it is not very fair to speculate too far in this direction.

The account I read was that she and friends entered the establishment, were told it was closing and proceeded to go elsewhere.

Let's be gracious and not wander too far into fantasy.

Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Tom,I didn't mean any disrespect in this comparison.

Please don't get me wrong, I didn't take anything you wrote as disrespectful and if you want to slur the British Royal Family, you have my full support!

As Rob said, and as I tried to say a little earlier, we don't know what really happened and if Emily just walked out after being told she wouldn't be served, this is a complete non-story.

I think what may have got people's attention because it certainly got mine, was your original post where you said she has power and people should be nice to her because of that. I hope you've been disabused of that opinion by now!

All the best,

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