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RE: Condominium Ownership
Sorry Dennis,
most people here are looking at more rural property, so I thought ag CPR. So it is just a regular condo? Do you still have concerns?

"let the music keep our spirits high
And let the buildings keep our children dry
Let creation reveal its secrets by and by ~ Before the Deluge, Jackson Browne
John, I had to smile a little on your answer, since DH had contacted you on one of those AG Condos/2 homes on one ag lot, & what I wrote was the gist of how he interpreted your response on that Kona property!

I did not know that each was taxed separately & exclusively, but did think that if one party did not pay, the total property was in question... (ie. only 1/2 of the total was paid) So I learned something that makes this ownership a little less scary.

What about improments to the land (as in a complex) are they due by both owners (can a contractor place alien on both/all owners?)
Sorry Carey, maybe I didn't make it very clear to your DH. CPR ownership is a complex issue and I always try to take my time to explain it. The ownership of such ag properties is not scary as long as the owner understands the related issues. (No, a contractor can not place a lien on both/all owners, only on the one the contractor worked on.) Generally, the ag CPR properties worth less than the comparable sized non-CPR properties.

Typically Tropical Properties
"The Next Level of Service!"
(This is what I think of the Kona Board of Realtors
This is what I think of the Kona Board of Realtors:

It is generally a little less valuable if the comparable exists, but it may not.
That's sort of a wash though, as the lower value makes it easier to acquire. Although, the properties we bought and sold were desirable enough and unique enough that there was no perceptible reduction of value.

It's really not scary, Carey. God knows I've made mistakes in real estate purchases on this island, but buying a CPR was not one of them. We had a clean title, clean boundaries, no confusion about the improvements, separate taxes, separate insurance, separate utilities other than the water. Now the water thing did mean we related to our neighbor at least every two months, but we liked our neighbor just fine.

Shared driveways MAY be a source of friction anywhere, but there are quite a lot of shared driveways and easements around whether or not it's a CPR, so it's not unique to that type of ownership.

Not everyone wants to live on a big 20 acre ag parcel and have to care for it. I'd love to CPR my property, because I don't even use half of it and it has a great building site. But ... they are not allowed any more as part of planning department concerns that ag land was getting carved up too much and becoming residential.

The main advantage to an ag-condo is that you get the second full house without having to do a farm plan. Say you don't want a commercial farm, just an acre with garden, it works out nicely.

"let the music keep our spirits high
And let the buildings keep our children dry
Let creation reveal its secrets by and by ~ Before the Deluge, Jackson Browne
Thanks everyone for the info. Question answered!

Originally posted by Dennis

I apologize, this is in regards to a condominium complex.



Where is a condo complex in Puna?
Originally posted by Orchidlandguy

Originally posted by Dennis

I apologize, this is in regards to a condominium complex.



Where is a condo complex in Puna?

I don't think he ever said it was in Puna.[xx(][xx(][xx(]

Typically Tropical Properties
"The Next Level of Service!"
(This is what I think of the Kona Board of Realtors
This is what I think of the Kona Board of Realtors:


I believe this is "puna" web. Thus threads about/concerning condo complexes that are not in puna would be posted here, on punaweb??? NOT.
Orchidlandguy, Relax. This site is about Puna and Hawaii related topics. I have no problem with the topic.

Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator

ok, was just trying to explain my question to.
I asked where there was a condo complex in puna. Only asked question because I assumed since this was on punaweb there was a condo complex somewhere here. It is a large area and thought maybe I had missed a condo complex hidden in puna.
I don't care if the thread is about Hawaii or Puna, just thought it was puna since it was posted here.
not trying to say one can or can't post. Just thought it was puna we were talkin about. sorry.

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