I think the term "abuse" is a misnomer, in this context. A much more accurate term is, "sanctuary". Sanctuary from America's rulers current favorite pogram against the American people.
Abuse, of course, implies harm, which is non-existent in this case.
The well informed Dennis Peron has commented that, "All marijuana use is medicinal". But to understand why that statement is accurate requires knowledge.
Granted, the current sanctuary laws are inadequate, given current medical knowledge and are also laughable considering the documented safety and broad utility of cannabinoids. This utility appears to include life extension (based on animal studies) and lowered rates of lung cancer among featherless bipeds. For whom are those attributes inappropriate?
In this context and in a decent society, all would be worthy of those profound, broad benefits. But to understand why the above is truth would require knowledge of the subject.
Here's a parallel from history. Maranos, a term that generally referred to the "secret" Jews of Portugal and Spain in the fifteenth century, who converted to Christianity when their religion was outlawed, but who continued to practice their religion in the privacy of their families.
You see, being Jewish was a crime, a capitol crime, in fact. Were the Maranos "abusing" the law?
Not really.
The only abuse, in this case, is that being inflicted on the American people by their rulers. As one who follows this issue locally, nationally and internationally, the pogram's end is proceeding apace, non existent "abuse" notwithstanding.
The problem in public discourse, as always, is a cavalier lack of understanding, concerning the facts.
If anyone has a copy of this week's copy of the Honolulu Weekly, there is an outstanding letter to the editor by Dr. Robert Wherman, that address the current problem we face.