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Home Invasion & Attempted Murder in Puna
Regardless of help and quick response by the police, this poor lady is left with scars for the rest of her life!!!! Bet she too thought she lived in a safe subdivision! The punk that did it was charged with several felonies including attempted murder!
Wake up people, until the economy is turned around, it's only gonna get worse!
Sad but true.
It kills me that people hear are still trying to sugar coat these incedents..
Regardless which subdivision it happens in, were all on this rock together. It's a horrible thing that has happened. And should be reported as such and not be so worried about which subdivision it has happened in!

setting my soul free....
setting my soul free....
yes, it is horrible!
As far as I can tell from the story, she wasn't saved due to neighbor intervention. She was saved because she was alerted to the noise, called her daughter on Maui, and the daughters called the police here with knowledge of what was going on.

The daughters knew it was a break-in, and could hear the actual attack. That is more than a neighbor calling and saying there may be something going on, although I sure hope the pollice would have responded to that.

I agree, lostboys, the subdivision is not the issue.

(ed to delete link to old story)
I don't know the specifics of these incidents. but as the " New Normal " drags on with long term unemployment, devastated mental heath budgets and the only ones doing a booming business are the ice dealers - you don't need a weather man
The victim has been released from the hospital - yesterday.

As details are filtered through the media, there has been no mention of this as an ice related, nor unemployment related incident (the news last night & paper this morning mentioned that the defense attorney stated that "apparently, [the suspect charged] was somewhat intoxicated" - no further mention of what on...)

The thing I do not understand is why, yesterday, with the suspect charged with an offense where no bail is appropriate, bail was set at $500,000... thus, the suspect COULD be released (2nd degree attempted murder to a victim who qualifies by age as elderly). Although the suspect charged is "stay away from the victim & her residence" they are currently NEXT DOOR NEIGHBORS! Without one of them leaving their home, how is that even possible or enforceable, esp. in Puna?
That's a good and obvious question. Our system is still innocent until proven guilty so bail can only be denied in extreme circumstances (not that this isn't extreme) such as first degree murder. Note that bail was set high enough that in all likelihood he will remain incarcerated until trial. Where I object is when bail amounts are set ridiculously low for violent offenses.
Originally posted by KathyH

yes, it is horrible!
As far as I can tell from the story, she wasn't saved due to neighbor intervention. She was saved because she was alerted to the noise, called her daughter on Maui, and the daughters called the police here with knowledge of what was going on.

The daughters knew it was a break-in, and could hear the actual attack. That is more than a neighbor calling and saying there may be something going on, although I sure hope the pollice would have responded to that.

I agree, lostboys, the subdivision is not the issue. Last week in a home invasion in Volcano Golf Course subdivision, a 77 year old man was bound, beaten and robbed by three invaders, and one has used his stolen credit card.

The Volcano home invasion in this article is from Nov 2009!
Sorry, I got confused because it was linked on a current news page. I'll delete it.
The case as charged is "extreme" enough in the State of Hawaii to withhold bail (age of victim in a 2nd degree attempt) (ETA: this is a case that would have mandatory life imprisonment if found guilty, and would be a case per pg 59 of the HI ST Constitution reference guide, be a case where bail cold be withheld....)

IF the defendant can get a bail bondsman, the $500,000 bail bond is $50,000... not an amount that I would feel comfortable with, if I were the victim....and the suspect charged is my neighbor.... given the response that is reportedly typical for this area... (I have not had reason to check the response)

Carey, In principle, I certainly agree with you. But if you follow this link and scroll don to page 59, yu'll see how the state constitution deals with the issue of bail. This principle goes back to the beginning of statehood and was cleary defined in 1968. I can only surmise that it is due to the relative difficulty for the felon to leave the island. Maybe it's time to ammend the constitution for Hawaii.
I know that IF he can find a bailbondsman he can get out on 50K. But it's doubtful he can come up with that and equally as doubtful that he would find a bailbondsman to take him.
Originally posted by KathyH

yes, it is horrible!
As far as I can tell from the story, she wasn't saved due to neighbor intervention. She was saved because she was alerted to the noise, called her daughter on Maui, and the daughters called the police here with knowledge of what was going on.

I just spoke to the Community Policing Officer for HPP who has looked into this. He stated that both the neighbors and the daughter on Maui called 911. The response would have been the same if it had been one or the other, but there were indeed at least two calls at pretty much the same time.

The CPO is looking into the legal status of the suspect regarding the earlier theft of the victim's car, and I will post that when the information is available.

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