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Sen Ruderman, where is the proof
Labeling does indeed give consumers a choice. If it's labeled then I won't complain. I will say this, I do very much support the sciences and with that being said it's important to note it's for that reason I am opposed to the premature introduction of GM as a food source. If in a couple years damning evidence comes forth with regard to the unknown not found in nature aspects of the GM products that directly cause detrimental harm then that's it, game over, forever altering the perception of the science. Here's the rub, it's not the science that's the problem, it's the science combined with profit that may indeed destroy the GM science in the near future. Keep that in mind over the next couple years and remember the cause should it occur.
The GM sciences have given many diabetics an extended lease on life and many other wonderful things have come from the science... wielding it irresponsibly could quickly destroy it.

- Armed citizens provide security of a free State.
"We know without a doubt what happens when you consume too much transfats, you eat too much, get fat, have a heart attack and die."
Actually trans fat diets don't always lead to obesity... it increases the LDL and in some studies has shown to lower the HDL within the blood and those can and do lead to cardiovascular disease. Thin people die from the issue also.

- Armed citizens provide security of a free State.
Thanks again for taking time on this subject. I know I'm pretty late in the game (post Bill 113) and you might be rehashing old topics, so I apologize for that, but I believe what can be done can also be undone. There should be a way to have the research be more transparent. Your fight seems to be more with Monsanto and their business practices, than the research and having an ex attorney for Monsanto sitting on SCOTUS, which makes it that much more harder to find justice.
"I do very much support the sciences"

You reject the scientific consensus on GMOs.
You reject the scientific consensus on fluoridization.
You reject the scientific consensus on climate change.
I'm not sure I dare ask you about vaccinations!

You only support science when it happens to coincide with your intuition.

GM labeling doesn't sound like a big deal but there is an important principle at stake.
Are we going to allow public policy be dictated by people who reject scientific evidence?
The next step, of course, is to ban GMOs. After that nothing is safe.

It's as transparent as flies on crap creating maggotsWink Just 'bout sums that up eh?


In order:

- There's nothing scientific about business motives and such consensus is actually known as "artifact".

- The "consensus" of ingesting fluoride is right on its label should you care to read it...
Oh and before you get your knickers in a bunch I will concede that you stated the "scientific consensus on fluoridation". Read the highlighted section on the label to understand the "scientific consensus" and take note that within our State (Hawaii) and our local "Health authorities" do not approve the use of fluoridation. I do fully agree with that scientific consensus... not for use in Hawaii. Evidently you reject the scientific consensus on that one Paul, not I.

- I do not reject the "consensus" about climate change... climate change has been a fact since the Earth first took form and I see no reason for the climate to stop changing now. Wherever do you get these silly notions? Do you see any reason why the climate should remain static? I've yet to meet anyone who thinks its ever been static... have you?
I do reject the arrogant/ignorant theory that man is creating global warming through CO2 emissions. Oh yeah... that one fell through and became man made climate change due to CO2 emissions, no I don't support it either or what ever they decide to label it in the next decade when that (what ever that is today) doesn't pan out either. You and your fear mongering "scientific consensus on climate change" are welcome to hang out and amuse us intelligent people as long as you wish though. BTW... I do have hip waders but they aren't for your suspected global flooding, they are strictly for wading through BS like yours.

"When business usurps science for it own gains, it ceases to be scientific and it's consensus mere artifact." - ME

- Armed citizens provide security of a free State.
The only, and I mean THEE ONLY reason Monsanto is still in business and not completely BANNED yet, is because it has so many board members in power int he US Government and because the head of the FDA is a Monsanto member.

Corruption as simple as can be.
Why does our Govt. constantly feel the need to hide info from us? FDA, USDA, both should come under the axe. Yes, labeling is the only civil thing to do. In Europe labeling had a profound effect on these companies that serve themselves and not mankind. By being forced to list ingredients, people overwhelmingly picked products that were free of being genetically modified. In turn it forced bad practicing companies to fall in line or suffer the consequences of major loss of sales. We need to do that here!


Support the 'Jack Herer Initiative'NOW!!

Support the 'Jack Herer Initiative'NOW!!
watch this Video. I'm sure this farmer is more educated than any of us on this thread and that includes the good Senator, and Mr. Richard Ha. He's got a lot of good things to say, and of course he speaks about BT corn.



Support the 'Jack Herer Initiative'NOW!!

Support the 'Jack Herer Initiative'NOW!!
Interesting, it's actually worse than I surmised.
Glyphosate just graduated to my $hitlist too.
The peanut gallery will pipe up soon and demonstrate that direct impact by train is necessary to understand the danger of walking on the tracks.

- Armed citizens provide security of a free State.
Your opinions are based on some guy in a video. Bravo.

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