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Big Island *takes first step* in banning GMO's
The County Council shouldn't pass any ordinance based on opinions.

Our council members have ignored science and the farmers !!
Originally posted by Obie


You're post would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic !!!!

Got any legitimate websites to prove any of that ??


What study has proven to you beyond a reasonable doubt that GMOs are safe?

Living on the side of creation.
Living on the side of creation.
As mentioned here:

"the giant feeding experiment that’s been going on for the past fifteen years — hundreds of millions of Americans consuming GMO ingredients — hasn’t produced evidence of harm."
Kauai majority has spoken - update from PBS....

sign of the times inspite of all the pressure, spin and political funding / threats from Big Agra

"On Saturday, Nov. 16, the Kauai County Council reconvened and voted 5-2 to override the mayor's veto.

With no other choice, Mayor Carvalho has agreed to work with the council.

"I will continue to work with my departments to determine how we will implement this new law," he said.

The law is expected to take effect in nine months, but legal action by the seed companies could delay that time frame."

The silence of local coverage - deafening and speaks volumes - grin
One of the things I keep trying to get an answer to is my question about hybrids vs GMO's. Can someone comment?

If I am getting this right - hybrids are strains of the same species co-mingled. hybrids can be GMO's (as it is faster to do the hybridization in a lab than in a field) but use different strains of same species; for example different strains of wheat to make a insect / pesticide resistant / better growth rate stronger wheat.

GMO's that are being talked about here are one species modified with genes of an entirely different species ?

Or are hybrids and GMO's the exact same thing, just different terminology?
Hybrids are usually a result of breeding two animals together ie mules or breeding animals of the same specie to enhance traits - lots of tropical fish and pedigree dogs are hybrids

The best example of GMO imho - are those glow in the dark animals (mammals) where a phosphorescent gene of a marine animal has been spliced (by man in a lab) into the dna of a mammal - glow in the dark rabbits, mice or soon to be dogs.....

bon appetit:
Drum roll please:

"University of Hawaii Manoa geneticists, Ryuzo Yanagimachi and Stefan Moisyadi, collaborated with Turkish scientists at the University of Istanbul and Marmara University to create the fluorescent rabbits."

Is this what was seen at hpp living in a lava tube few years back? - man if one of these were to get out - pretty cool - I mean green.......

Vonnegut explored the concept of altering nature in "Ice Nine"

Is Kauai's Gmo production bigger or smaller than our Puna production? There does seem to be an outcry against it there by the folks LIVING there, and that is a tighter community than ours. There voice seems to be heard yet ours ignored. Could our mayor himself help his small farmer's community instead of standing by and watching Kauai's debate?. Being so spread out here in this rural community does seem to work for big AG, Things like this Web at least get's people in there community talking about their concern's. I like being able to see other's points of view on this very important subject regarding our future direction on how we will feed ourselves and other's. Thank you. Is there a map of this Gmo land here? And how much land does the university tend to?.U See I have so many questions That makes it hard for me to be so supportive of something that seems to be hiding in the Dark?.
Here is a good explanation:
Barring a legal challenge that holds water .... where is the current Kauai gmo infrastructure going to relocate to?....

That is a question that will ultimately be put to the BI voters ... if its a democracy......time will tell

Islands important for GMO because if they fork up and a nasty mistake, fly's, jumps, hops or gets lifted by a breeze and gets out .... lets hope its not a good swimmer - and being glow in the dark - ez to spot...... nothing to worry about - as long as its kept on the Islands until Con Agra .... I mean the FDA is sure ..... (jurassic park played out that theme)

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