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Sen Ruderman, where is the proof
Originally posted by Beachboy

Okay all you Velveeta eating fools who think GMO anything is safe, and that the organic community is fear mongering. Watch this video. This guy work in the GM industry for many years, but then realized it was mostly all lies!

Of course you're gonna be hard pressed to find negative data. Monsanto and the likes pays big bucks to have bad press squashed, and when they do have their product tested, it's not done by an independent research company/lab.

I understand why Farmers like Richard Ha back this technology. You only have to listen to this guys and you fully understand.


Support the 'Jack Herer Initiative'NOW!!

I suspect Velveeta and Spam...

Interesting how this conglomerate industry and it's brainwashed minions try to cast organic/nongmo thinkers as fearmongers when they are the creators of unproven products pushed on the masses with little to no research.

Take a look at the elevated incidents of cancer in this country...every year more and more cases...yet the source just remains "undetermined". It is like the cig companies years ago.
Originally posted by snorkle

Rob says: "A lot of our island farm lands have already been polluted with an organic poison - arsenic. The sugar plantations spread arsenic on the land to try and control a rat population explosion."

Excellent point Rob. Don't forget the ocean run-off as well.

So do we try and remediate the tainted lands? Write them off as unproductive? or spray more poisons on them?

We could raise three legged cows on them and make coffee creamer for the GMO crowd.
Originally posted by Wao nahele kane

Can you do anything but disjointedly critique what I am conveying? Do you have anything to share that has backing beyond your personal opinion?
In short, aside from trolling do you have anything relevant to share?

- Armed citizens provide security of a free State.

The trolling attack again? Everyone should have their say I guess, I'm in agreement with you about the dangers of GMO conglomerate products. I think you have provided a lot of good information here for folks to look at.

"Natural farming and scientific farming are at opposite sides of nature, one seeks to approach closer to nature and the other to move farther away. Nature on the exterior shows only facts, but says nothing. However these facts are stark and clear. There is no need for explanation...-"The Natural Way of Farming"

The soil is a powerful force full of life that we can't see or fully understand. This reminds me of the mongoose running around everywhere, they were brought here to solve the rat problem...that didn't prove we have a mongoose problem too. If we keep making a poison that kills this bug or that bug eventually we are going to kill off something as important as bees...without pollination we can forget about our bug problem as we won't be growing anything much for feeding anybody.
the dangers of GMO conglomerate products

(For the sake of argument, assume the breads at Subway are non-GMO.)

The additive azodiacarbonamide is "FDA approved" and "perfectly safe", but it also breaks down into urethane, and it's absent from the bread sold in European markets.

Eat healthy!
When I was a kid (before we had cars - grin) I applied at a fried chicken place - while taking the tour I asked how the chicken was preserved - the franchisee beamed at my interest

"Formaldehyde" he replied -

It had shown no negative effects as well............
Through first hand experience; it's extremely clear that Punaweb is Rob Tuckers local political platform and when his position is challenged through merit, he'll block the member. When his position was challenged via the unacceptable nature of flooding the natural diamond market with man made diamond knockoffs as it would be a clear act of counterfeit marketing. That compared to Gm foods allowed to flood the natural food market as a natural food enjoying the same value as a natural food is somehow not an act of counterfeit marketing. That is a clear conflict of business ethics. When those here were given the opportunity to realize the conflict in ethics - they chose to block the messenger... Wao Nahele Kane. There's no room on this forum for anything that would point out the application of bent counterfeit marketing ethics with regard to our food market. Thats the one point of merit that the great and powerful OZ wants to sweep under the carpet. -Wao Nahele Kane
Don't worry Rob, I have no desire to partake in your romper room forum anymore. Take a good hard look at your ethics compass.

If I wanted your opinion, I'd frame it for you!
Originally posted by Rob Tucker

Originally posted by snorkle

So if our Island's agricultural lands have been poisoned using Modern Chemistry, we need more modern chemistry to fix it?

Who would possibly profit from that?...............Oh wait, nevermind.

A lot of our island farm lands have already been polluted with an organic poison - arsenic. The sugar plantations spread arsenic on the land to try and control a rat population explosion.

Yes, unfortunately the organic arsenic didn't do it's job on some of the bigger rats on the island. GMO Frankenfoods will do the job nicely though. Richard Ha needs to provide proof that he isn't harming our environment with his lazy farming practices. The burden of proof lies with those polluting the environment with poisons. Only a sheep would follow unquestioningly, we seem to have a flock here. We all know GMO is crap, those arguing otherwise are in the poisonous conglomerate Frankenfood industry or have some tie to it. or
I can only guess that Rob's computer broke down or he has been abducted by aliens !!
Arsenic was actually used as an herbicide - not as rat poison by the plantations.

Richard is anything but a lazy farmer. Starting with few personal resources he worked his butt off on leased land saving until he could buy his own farm land in Hamakua. There he has constantly innovateD while raising a family and being deeply involved in a variety of community organizations and boards. By the way - he himself has NO GMO products. He simply sees that in some cases they are the best, least invasive and safest alternative.

When you speak of his destroying the land you have no idea of what either he or any of the other farmers are doing on the island. They actively save the soil - it is their primary life line. All this talk of destroying the "aina" is so ill informed and intellectually dishonest as to be beyond comprehension. Just look at your comments on Richard - because he defends use of GMO products you have jumped to the (incorrect) assumption that he cultivates such crops. From there you have jumped to the (again incorrect) assumption that GMO crops destroy the land. A little (even a tiny little) investigation would have turned this information up. YIKES!
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