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Meeting and Petition for Pesky Helicopters
On several occasions in the past week, Bear and I have been unable to have a conversation inside our house in HPP due to the helicopters passing over. I've already posted about getting buzzed on the summit of Mauna Ulu while trying to enjoy the solitude and quiet of the National Park. Time to sign the petition and attend the meeting. Self-regulation is not working.

This has been a problem since 1970, originally tour planes and flying low. Fern forest was the main route to the park. Complaints were made but we were considered sparsley populated and ag zoned. in the mid 70s, someone in the back popped some .22 rounds into the wings of a USGS survey plane flying a grid. The result was a near swat invasion. Especially today, even the mention of aggression will bring heat and loose your credibility.
Now it's equal opportunity overflights.
Gordon J Tilley
OK, signed the on-line petition. I understand a meeting is to take place on 28 January, but I seemed to have missed the location. Please advise. Thanks.

Oink, the HVNP has no control over the air tours.The FAA refuses to give the park control of its airspace.I spoke to the Park Service Friday,and they get alot of complaints about it.They told me the FAA sends a form to the air tour companies,then the air tour companies fill it out with the number of flights and stuff.The Park has no say so.

How corrupt can it be that the air tour compnaies just tell the FAA what they are going to do? No wonder they act with impunity.Plus,the FAA acts immune fron reprimand by Congress.It is outrageous that the FAA issues the permits and collects the money for these overflights.It violates the mission of the Park to preserve wildlife,habitat,and resources,and to provide a natural park experience for us and future generations.

The air tour companies are the only for profit intrusive commercial private enterprises that make money off of OUR National Parks.It is unacceptible!!!

And as for the Jan.28 meeting.That was for Darl,Blue Hawaiian and the CAOA to meet.But I haven't heard from Darl.I have been emailing him and posting it for about 11 days.Long enough for him to respond,so,who knows.If it happens,I will let you know in here,anyone can come if they want.

As for our next meeting.We will have a Board meeting on Feb.13,2008,at 11am.Anyone is welcome to come.We have been having our Board meetings in Fern Forest,but we can change location if there alot of people that want to come.Let me know.Our website stays updated on upcoming stuff, on the blogs page.This can be accessed from our home page's menu on the left.

Also,anyone that wants to email pics,please do so.And you can fill out a report/complaint form,also accessed from our menu on the homepage.

Pohaku my point is their noise disturbs you, they aint shooting. And if you could blast noise, paint nasty slogans on your roof, raise ballons to 300' with anti chopper logo. Picket the customers at their HQ even only once(peacefully) get press coverage! Passive measures, documented (With the blessing of the park and hawaiian community), and stressing safety and air traffic control!

The results of lack of control is why all overflights are banned in the desert canyon park, which led to the ban on all tour flights. Hot rodding and lack of direction controls killed the and will kill here eventually. How many tour crashes in remote places, add 2 way traffic and you're asking for it.

I believe a retired traffic controller could be recruited to study the situation, and give a professional opinion and could be an expert witness to the necessity of controls. That would be a solid point for your case.

But "right to shoot em" and some foul slogans will get you a visit from TSA. The word isn't terroristic acts", it's terroristic threatining"

No federal agency gives up real estate, unless it becomes a liability to their reputation. Then they'll pass it like a hot potato to the agency who'll resume responsibility within their boundries. Park could dedicate an area for a heliport, and license it to a commercial with stringent restrictions and built in royalties including dedicated hours to the scientists. Win Win, this would remove the aarp and ada challenge.
And it could add clause to give priority commandeering of the aircfaft for visual confirmation of activity signals at observatory. If a reading indicates somthing it could be confirmed right away,not "when we can beg a chopper." And if a park spokseman confirms visitor complaints in person, it would be the icing. Better yet if he buys the inside controlled flights!

Have probably said too much, I'm outa here!
Gordon J Tilley
Update: We have started a very productive dialogue with the National Park Service and we will keep you posted.

Don't forget if you would like to sign a petition,or fill out a comments/report form,please do so at our website link below.Also,you can sign our guestbook.This will help when Akaka ,Inouye and Hirono offices look at our website for a barameter of public opinion.

Thunderfoot , thanks, i already see less opposition. Couldn't get your petition to work, but did the guest book.
If you're still interested, I will still supply some ballons. need a few willing flyers. Need a black @white copy of your logo, can bring to print format.
The park really needs a chopper available all the time. It'gotta be win-win!

Gordon J Tilley
Thanks gtill,the petiton can be accessed by
Thanks for letting me know I need to check out the website to see if the internet petition link is working,but the other one is to cut/copy and paste to sign the old fashion way and mail it to us.Whichever you want to do.

Also,I am going to ask the lawyer on Jan.23 about the legalities of the ballon idea.I will get back to you on that.I emailed you too.

Again thanks.
Just stay under the 150' limit. [Wink]

[CITE: 14CFR101.15]

[Page 347]



BALLOONS--Table of Contents

Subpart B_Moored Balloons and Kites

Sec. 101.15 Notice requirements.

No person may operate an unshielded moored balloon or kite more than
150 feet above the surface of the earth unless, at least 24 hours before
beginning the operation, he gives the following information to the FAA
ATC facility that is nearest to the place of intended operation:
(a) The names and addresses of the owners and operators.
(b) The size of the balloon or the size and weight of the kite.
© The location of the operation.
(d) The height above the surface of the earth at which the balloon
or kite is to be operated.
(e) The date, time, and duration of the operation.
Thanks Bob, I thought I read over 300' before reporting, the 150' wouldn't give much of an altitude perspective. But I wouln't mind using my street and # if for only one day. 300' would give a better perspective of altitude, but we would need at least a few to report to the tower and tell them why. You'd get their attention and they would have to notify the pilots,and tell them what we're doing and why.

I think 300' would be safe, it's 150' below their legal ceiling.
I'll give my name and location to the Hon tower, and sound him about whats up. I live under a major flightpath. We get C-130s over our heads, and the raising altitude or height complaints get snubbed. It's been contested in court too, that's why I caution against emotion no room for it in aviation or court. I'll start with a nephews birthday party and daddys flying over. Give an exact day and time line, mabe only 2 hours put one up, anykind color you reported.

I'll try to make a 300' run on saturday, will report it tomorrow to them, for a saturday flight. Let you know! (especially the tower's atttude)
Gordon J Tilley

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