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Yeah, what Dave M said. Most drug possesion crimes are victimless.

I have a "houseguest" right now. She is the ex-girlfriend of my husband's high school friend. She and her ex have been using herion for over 10 years. I believe they are both clean now, but have wasted so much of their lives. They haven't really worked and can only get unskilled jobs, when they work at all. They haven't grown into adults even though they are almost forty. They need to live off people's generosity just to get the break they need to start a normal live. again. and again.

Now tell me that this is victimless! They suffer, their families suffer and their friends suffer.

Now generally speaking, I don't put pot in the same category at heroin, but ANY drug can be abused and it's the ABUSE of drugs that creates problems.

miss you all,

Hello Da Stef,

What you've posted is very true (and sad). Problem is, we could simply replace the word Heroin with alcohol and your point would be just as valid. Now I don't think weed, the subject of this thread, is as bad as either Heroin or Alcohol. I know for a fact that it is not physically addicting. As for both Alcohol & Heroin they are both highly "physically" addicting. Sad examples, but your Friends with heroin and my Father with Alcohol are proof of that.

So there is still the fact that by being classified as illegal weed, a non addictive mild sedative type plant, becomes a contriband that generate billions of dollars in illegal revenues every year.

The truth is nicotine is more addictive than marijauna, go figure. I'm sorry for your friends as I am for the loss of my father and all the people I lost, either to jail or dead or somewhere homless, to crack in the eighties. But, to compare weed to heroin on the basis of the fact that they are both clssified as drugs strikes directly at the problem and is not IMO even remotely a reasonable argument.

Take care,

"It doesn't mean that much to me.. to mean that much to you." Neil Young

I wasn't saying that pot is like heroin. I personally believe all drugs should be legal. Not b/c I want them around but b/c I think that making them illegal causes way more problems than it solves.

I was just commenting on what some previous post had mentioned about "victimless crimes"


Hey Stef

Sorry for the long rant. I agree with you!
Blessings, dave

Take care,

"It doesn't mean that much to me.. to mean that much to you." Neil Young

If you think all drugs should be legal, then you're on crack. Certain drugs cause way too much harm to be legal. They are not victimless, even when you exclude the harm to the user. Think of all the burglaries, thefts, assaults, batteries and homicides are caused by drug users. Even if the drugs were free, they would still steal etc. so that they could eat and buy their toys. They won't hold regular jobs. The argument that pot is no worse that alcohol so it should be legalized is BS. We sure as hell don't need another alcohol problem. That said, I kind of think pot should be legalized. I think the money it currently generates for the criminal element negates any potential good realized by keeping it illegal. However, I don't think it would be a great source of government revenue as it's too easy to grow. Children and adolescents should not have access to alcohol or pot. Providing it to them should have serious consequences. Not enough is currently done to keep alcohol away from our youth. I advocate some tolerance for drug users but shoot the dealers.

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
"If you think all drugs should be legal, then you're on crack."

LOL..probably not the best way to start a discussion. If your aiming at me then your way off base. I don't think crack, heroin, or meth/ice, should be legal. I don't think Bars should have parking lots either. Want to discuss that?

If I did decide to take Stefs side of the arguement you'd have to do better than state the obvious to convince me.

You might try asking her why she thinks the way she does as opposed to telling her she's on crack. But hey..whatever trips your trigger.

But, be carful cuz she may hit ya with some statistics that will support her opinion... yep, they're out there.

At the end of the day I think we (America) have way to many guns on the street to ever legalize certain drugs.

In 1993, I personally had a pistole stolen out of my luggage between Kauai & DFW airports, they traced it back to the Honolulu Airport, but never found it!

Take care,

"It doesn't mean that much to me.. to mean that much to you." Neil Young

Most of you know how conservative my behavior is with regard to drugs... don't smoke, don't drink, don't do any of the entertainment stuff.... having said that:

I AGREE THAT ALL DRUGS SHOULD BE LEGAL, because if they are legal then: A. you can regulate them and B you remove organized crime from the picture.

If we regulate instead of punish, then we have a chance to combat the situation. It is simple economics. Our oprisons are filled with people busted for posession of drugs. Possessing but doing no other harm costs us about $40,000 a year to keep that person in prison (and that is an OLD figure; I bet it is higher now). I would rather spend that money on national health care, education, etc...

( / ) <--- here is my fanny for you to kick because most of you won't agree and will want to kick me. At least this is a place where we can have an opinion!!!

Just another day in P A R A D I S E !!
I want to be the kind of woman that, when my feet
hit the floor each morning, the devil says

"Oh Crap, She's up!"
Even legal drugs cost something. People that are addicted can't/don't work. They have to get the money somewhere. There will be crime for drugs even then. I wonder whether there's a solution really. Except not to do them. Period.

All these opinions are very interesting and thought provoking. For what it's worth I don't see weed in the same light as ice either. (My sponsor would give me the stink-eye for saying that.)



"Freedom has a scent like the top of a newborn baby's head..." U2
Hi Pam,

Nice post..of course I disagree but not with your points, they're all very valid and I know there are countries that have proven them.

My concern is that most of those countries have far more extreme gun laws. I think there are to many guns on the streets and in the wrong hands here in the US.

Of course, as you can see by my last post, I not only own guns/weapons but I have, in a round about way, added to the number of unregestered guns on the streets.

Thanks again for rescueing me from the K.web. It's be a while, you may not remember, but I've picked up a ton of info about the East Side here. Mahalos

Take care,

"It doesn't mean that much to me.. to mean that much to you." Neil Young


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