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Squatter and Crime
This link has pretty good info on squatters right to adverse possession. It does note that there are some Hawaiian antiquated laws that are incompatible with squatters rights.
This link specifically mentions Puna in regards to squatters adverse possession
ABSOLUTELY NO truth to this. First of all, the County will file a lien against the non-tax-paying property and when not responded to by the owner, will be auctioned off at a sale the County conducts at regular intervals. There is a law as follows:

Search Haw. Rev. Stat. § 657-31.5 : Hawaii Statutes - Section 657-31.5: Adverse possession.

In an action under this part where the person defending the action claims by adverse possession in excess of the period of limitation, said claim can only be made:
(1) If the real property which is the subject of the action is five acres or less; and
(2) Where the person claiming by adverse possession has not asserted any similar claim, in good faith, within the past twenty years; however, this shall not include similar claims made before November 7, 1978.
However, any person defending an action under this part may claim adverse possession if that person's time period of adverse possession of the land exceeded twenty years prior to November 7, 1978, or exceeded other earlier applicable time periods of adverse possession. [L 1979, c 157, §2]
Cross References: Constitutional provisions, see Const. Art. XVI, §12.

Mind you, it takes FULLY 20 years for this to happen and the requirements for it to happen are rather stringent. You just can't go live on someone's private property and expect to suddenly 'own' it ~ ~ ~

Then there is Land Court. I will have to dig up this information again when I am feeling better again. Several of the subdivisions on Big Island are in Land Court. The rules of Land Court do not allow for ANY squatters rights.
My land in Hawaiian Acres is Land Court land. Ah any way, I first found reference to this in realtor's question and answer column on his website. I followed it out further too, but did not get it organized into some kind of retrievable folder of information.

If any one has researched this out and has references... Thanks now.

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