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HB Water 40% rate hike
Originally posted by ericlp
HB Water wants to charge $4.23 per 1000 Gallons and $41.43 monthly flat rate. Basically a 40% rate hike over both consumption and monthly charges. I'm guessing my bill will go from the aver 35 to 50 bucks or 600 a year. I like to pay my bill in advanced. So instead of giving them 425 bucks I now gotta give em 600. I wish HB had an online bank payment program.

I just heard from an old buddy in Texas about the water-use restrictions they've been under there, and the fact that he can't seem to get his water bill under $150/month, no matter what he does.

Hawai'i County water is cheap, cheap, cheap even after a big increase.
UV bulbs do kill cryptosporidia, fwiw.
Well here is my 2 cents about water here. I believe the east side of the big isle may get more rain than most in the state or America for that matter. Seems we have no problem watering all the greens in Kona. The resorts are lush and green in the middle of one of the driest places in the world. There are also several water trucks filling up daily from Puna and then selling this water off island for who knows how much?. Why should Hilo residences pay water bills anything like Texas, or any other place?. Water should never be something hilo would be short of, or have to pay a pretty price for. Any increase in water bills should be paid by the resorts and the largest water users like golf courses and such. (why not catch more water, rather than charge more?.)
Has anyone attended either one of the two recent community meetings that were held up in Pahoa about the request to increase rates? I know there was the meeting at the elementary school, but someone's hosted two community meetings as well. I'm not sure what the impact of those meetings has had. Any insight would be appreciated.

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