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Speed limits on Hwy 130
I have no problem going 35 when work is going on, but the few times I've done the morning commute everyone was still going 50+ from Shower Drive to the Humane Society. There really should be posted hours so the 35 is only in effect when work is being done and it should not be in effect during the morning rush if they aren't actually working. In a given week, there are far more hours when no work is being done. I'm just glad I don't have to do this commute daily.
Robguz, I completely agree with you.

A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions--Confucius
If anyone here thinks that politicians set speed limits, I have a nice bridge I'd like to sell you. The DOT makes multi-decade plans while watching us politicians come & go on a bi-yearly basis.
By the way, while the full widening of Highway 130 to Pahoa is a 10 year process, the current section leading to Shower Drive is due for completion in less than 2 years. Does anyone think this construction is not worth doing, speed reduction and all? If so you must not commute during rush hour.
Congrats to the entity hiding behind pseudonym "Ourdoc" for achieving such a high level of discourse that includes making fun of people's names. You must be so proud.

Wanna see a speed trap? How about the upgrades? they did at the elementary school on kahakai blvd. They put in orange flashing lights to warn people when the everyone needed to go the 15 mph... Then they changed the sign to 25 from a 45 without any warning it's just 45 now it's 25 though there I guess 24/7 weather kids or present or not...

If I was a cop? I'd wait around there at midnight for people doing 35 in a 25 ... In a school zone... Double you pleasure double your fun!
The DOT makes multi-decade plans...

Yes, and that's exactly the problem.
Originally posted by Russell

If anyone here thinks that politicians set speed limits, I have a nice bridge I'd like to sell you. The DOT makes multi-decade plans while watching us politicians come & go on a bi-yearly basis.
By the way, while the full widening of Highway 130 to Pahoa is a 10 year process, the current section leading to Shower Drive is due for completion in less than 2 years. Does anyone think this construction is not worth doing, speed reduction and all? If so you must not commute during rush hour.
Congrats to the entity hiding behind pseudonym "Ourdoc" for achieving such a high level of discourse that includes making fun of people's names. You must be so proud.


You do know that personal attacks are in violation of this forums policies... and that 99.9% of members do not use their real names for reasons that are obvious.

See what I mean about rude? Yes, in your written reply to me you were VERY rude. If you would like I could post it for all others to read, but in fact I think I'll hold that until your running for re-election, then the truth can come out in the media with the original document written by you. You SPECIFICALLY ASKED the DOT TO do a study and find out if, "as you felt, the limit should be lowered" go ahead and deny that as they were YOUR WORDS written in a physical letter.. The State DOT was NOT doing "this study" until YOU ASKED THEM TOO, per the Director.

As far as the discussion here, the law was intended to limit the speeds in construction zones while there are workers PRESENT and working, not when there is no one there. The lower speed limit signs are actually supposed to be covered up while no one is working, otherwise you have conflicting speed signs.

If you receive a ticket siting it was in a construction zone, take several pics with time/date stamp to show the judge if no one is there and no work is going on.

If you cannot handle the truth, it's your problem.

As far as your post here, you are violating the boards policies making a personal attack against me. This too will be of future use, especially coming from an elected official and when posted in the National media. It's called a politician being unethical, look it up.

Must be lonely to be a tea party enthusiast in Puna...

Nothing left to do but
Nothing left to do but
Thanks for this information. This is what I need to know.
Originally posted by Royall

Yeah, I got one. I was the last car in of about 20 all going with the flow. There was a large space between me and the next car in line and the cop hung a Uturn and nailed me. The fine is posted 250 bucks but the cop said it was moved to 307 bucks!! He wrote me a 150 buck fine. I sent a letter in and they reduced it to $80.00 Still a lot when you're retired. If you speed, just be sure there is someone behind you. No, I don't need the lecture from those of you that obey ALL laws. What the saying? Don't throw stones in a glass house??!!


Hale O Na Mea Pa`ani

Russell, was it not your letter to HDOT that got the 45mph limit going through HPP? As you read all the comments it is apparent that there is a major speed problem in the construction zone because it apply s 24/7, not just when there is construction going on. Even during construction times most workers are way off to the side not exposed to the traffic. When the Contractor is going to work close to the road, they should put up their own reduced speed limit sign. As you can read, most traffic is going way above the posted 35mph. I thought it was the local politician that is to correct any major problems in their district.
Originally posted by Russell

If anyone here thinks that politicians set speed limits, I have a nice bridge I'd like to sell you. The DOT makes multi-decade plans while watching us politicians come & go on a bi-yearly basis.
By the way, while the full widening of Highway 130 to Pahoa is a 10 year process, the current section leading to Shower Drive is due for completion in less than 2 years. Does anyone think this construction is not worth doing, speed reduction and all? If so you must not commute during rush hour.
Congrats to the entity hiding behind pseudonym "Ourdoc" for achieving such a high level of discourse that includes making fun of people's names. You must be so proud.


If I want to save three minutes on my commute, I leave a little early.
Just sayin.....

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