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Medical Marijuana
gypsy suggests that Hawaiians might run the first dispensaries in our state. Is there a reason that a Hawaiian Homelands resident couldn't set up a dispensary now on their property? I know it would still be against federal law, but do Homeland areas come under the jurisdiction of all state laws as well? They did try to sell cigarettes off Hwy 130 without tax stamps for awhile.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
good question! I dont see why they couldn't, would prob end up in a fed vs Hawaiian Native standoff. Interesting point u make. Native Americans could prob do the same on the mainlands, I admittedly dont know much of any attempts to do this tho..

What happened with the enforcement Cig Tax stamps? whatever happened there would prob repeat itself. imho
First legal hemp harvest:
The first known harvest of hemp in more than half a century in the U.S. took place September 23 in Colorado:
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Anything that grows on this planet and is not processed and is not outright poisonous should be legal to smoke or eat or drink.
This is great banter, but does anyone actually have a hawaiin medical marijuana card ?

Is it difficult to get ?

I plan to grow my own.
Originally posted by DanielP

It is significantly effective for relief of a variety of ailments. First hand knowledge with Chemo-therapy side effects.

The Police entering the political arena against legalization makes my blood boil!

I am not a user myself.

Police unions are some of the largest proponents of keeping it illegal. As well as corrections officers. Jobsjobsjobs.

Living on the side of creation.
Living on the side of creation.
Privately owned jails have a lot to say too !
Originally posted by kander

Every time there has been a research project done in the states that indicated any good from the plant the funding was pulled. Hemp and its relatives can be used for so many things besides medical uses. Fuel oils, Textiles, Plastics and thats just a start.

It goes far beyond the propaganda of "reefer madness" and those who seek to keep it illegal based on competitive basis.

For a very long time (and still today) every U.S. President coming into office signs Executive Order -- National Defense Resources Preparedness. Included in this executive order is the requirement to grow hemp. It has been re-written over the years, but it is still there.
I plan to grow my own.

Your possession of a State medical license ("blue card") and/or compliance with the County LLEP statute do not matter: cultivation is still a Federal crime.

However ... the State license allows you to pay a fee and register your location, which saves the rest of us taxpayers the cost of an investigation into your illegal activities.
Update on potential change in the legal status of medical marijuana:

"While an increasing number of state governments have approved medical marijuana, and Washington and Colorado have authorized recreational use of the drug, the federal government’s strict prohibition against possessing and distributing it has created legal tension and fraught circumstances for businesses."

"With that in mind, last night US lawmakers performed an end run around the prohibition by passing a spending bill that forbids the Drug Enforcement Agency, the main federal organ that investigates drug crime, from spending any money on efforts to prosecute medical marijuana operations that are legal under state laws. A similar provision would need to pass in the Senate, but the bipartisan coalition of libertarian Republicans and Democrats behind the bill could well be replicated in the other house of the US legislature."
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves

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