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great whites in hawaii
Two interesting articles about Sharks in local publications.

Honolulu Advertiser September 2004

Honolulu magazine February 2013

One other site has links on Sharks in Pacific Culture, including a paper written by Herb Kawainui Kane

Thank you hikatz, wonderful resources! They are such magnificent and mysterious creatures. There is still so much we don't know. I look forward to future research, answering the question of why they come here, and also the possibility of a resident population. Such an intriguing topic Smile
Originally posted by oceangirl

Wowzers, brave ah you do they mostly stay in the deep, or have you seen them close to shore?

not so brave. just happen to see em because I'm in the water a lot. mostly further out in deeper water but remember the great white at pine trees a couple years ago that was right outside the break. grabbed the diver's stringer and chased him to shore. pretty nutz. there is currently a well known one hanging out in ka'u .. it has a tracking device on it and you can go to one website and follow it's movements.. also 3 more headed this way from California according to the site. I don't know the name of the site but my friend in ka'u does. I'll try and find it.
I had a very close encounter with one at Honaunau while kayak fishing about a mile off shore a few years ago. The YouTube video mentioned earlier was filmed last year by a friend who was also kayak fishing. They're out there!

Here's a link to a website that tracks great whites.
Does anyone know of any others, I'm not overly ecstatic about this one.
When I was little, I have a memory of seeing hundreds of sharks off the cliffs of the red road near the opihikau tide pools. Don't know what they were doing, or what kind. It was an eerie day, overcast and dark. They are so magnificent!

I heard a rumor that a great white was caught and killed off kapoho coast a few days ago. This is very upsetting if true. Has anyone heard anything?
Great whites are everywhere - bite by mistake - looking for sea lions - they dont like the taste of human flesh - spit us out.....

Tigers and Mako bite because they have nasty dispositions ....
I know they're out there, but aren't they protected? I heard some fishermen caught a great white and am wondering if they let it go or killed it. Shame on them if they did. Not pono...
In my world - mako prized for their meat - faux pas.... me mentioning that fact at dinner with some world class surfers (Maui)

"we dont eat what can eat us" ----

I dont swim much..... and see both sides of the coin

1" thick Mako steak pretty cool as well - grin

Bullwinkles' 3 shark rules

1) never pee in the water - they can pick that up 60 miles out - its how they locate prey

2) never swim along the divide between murky and clear water - sharks hide in the murk and strike in the clear waters

3) avoid olawalu - seems like 1 or 2 a year lately

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