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What did you miss the most?
Common sense.

Thanks MarkP,

Just Found thought I'd post it for folks general info. Do republicans even run anymore?

( I know it's kinda off topic but I couldn't resist On the about page, down at the bottom, she's wearing the original North Face Paramount Peak pants. Those are some damn good pants. They stopped making them but but people are demanding they be remade. If you are lucky, ebay has em now and again. Your move, North Face... I hope she's as practical and reliable as her choice in pants!)
Clean air and snow skiing.
This thread is most interesting. Thank you all for the insight.

Being from here, what I miss most is the old days, where no one missed anything. The simple life, as it were.

I do LOVE New York, Chicago, LAX and SFO, Boston (and maybe Dallas), in bringing this back to topic, I miss...

Chesnuts roasting on an open fire, and soft pretzel with mustard
The Rockettes at Radio City Music Hall, Frango Mints, etc.



Nothing really, except maybe Pappy's Pizza and rib lunch for $3.95.
sliders.....oh never mind, I can get them in the freezer section at the grocery store.
A good game of cricket and the village pub afterwards.
Originally posted by csgray

Hey, I work in a Public Charter School in downtown Hilo and we still have iffy internet. Try holding an audience of middle school kids while you are waiting out the spinning wheel of death! Infrastructure on the whole Island is really hit and miss.



I don't know how you do it ma'am. I couldn't. you just don't have all that much to work with anymore. I feel for teachers today. It's no wonder a lot have just given up. back in the day, this country put people on the moon using basic college level math, slide rules, and guys who had just as much balls as brains. Now? Hard to find either. With all this technology, you'd think we'd have our own Jetson's style cars zipping around the galaxy... It's saddening to think how much money we spend on education and teacher's can't get the supplies they need to teach without dipping into their own pockets. Meanwhile, you gotta deal with terrible kids you can't correct with the ol "Board" of "Education." Yeah, I said it. They need to bring that back!! But really, poor ol teacher's get boxed in to cookie cutter curriculums and standardized testing. You know this. Then there's parents... God! Some of them, their kid's could fail every subject and you couldn't get them to come in for a parent-teacher meeting to save your life, but try to punish the kid and you'd never see a more "concerned" individual. But it's all good while they are robbing well behaved students of their educations. I really feel for you teachers. Not saying that's the case in Hilo, but in my experience and from what I've heard in other ares, that's pretty much the case. Hope your internet gets better!
This space intentionally left blank. Smile
Kelena, I so agree with you! I love this island and it was fulfilling a dream to move here and I feel lucky to be able to live here but you definitely hit the nail on the head in regards to the things I miss.

I would add:
1.) local, qualified, knowledgeable physicians who actually live and practice here rather than docs who fly in and fly out and don't really seem to care about your issues and want you to go to Honolulu for procedures or tests every time you turn around.
2.) Not only better Mexican food but a bigger variety of types of food. A good steak house would be nice.
3.) Better variety of stores. I am tired of Target and refuse to buy at Walmart. I wish local stores could make a better go of it, I understand the challenges involved in that though.
4. An art supply store! As an artist I have to either do mail order or go to Akamai on the other side of the island. I miss spending hours browsing at Dick Blick or Flax.
5. More reputable dog breeders who breed dogs other than pit bulls. I have been looking for a new puppy for quite some time.
6. Being able to work out in the yard without being drenched in sweat within 10 minutes.
7. IKEA, it would be so great to have one here, even if it was in Kona.

Those all sound like complaints, they are not really, just things I occasionally miss. I truly do love it here, I just fly back to the mainland a couple times a year to get my fix. Usually I am ready to come home a week after I get there and start to remember all the reasons I left! Smile


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