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Terrorist in Pahoa
They wont find him. His sister Carmen San Diego was impossible to find.

On a more serious note. We need to have these spooky guys so we all run around afraid and scared and keep the war on terror going. Think of all the tax dollars spent on the "war" Im gently reminded every time I fly.

In a few years he will have a job teaching at a university like Bill Ayers (weather underground) hosting campaign kickoff parties for some president to be.
It's a 250 k federal reward for info leading to capture.It says call 911 or local considered to be armed and dangerous...
"They have really lowered the bar on what we call "terrorists" lately..."

Hmm, bombs wrapped in shrapnel designed to kill first responders.
How high is your bar?
"Animal rights activist"


"Whoever set the bombs, timed them to go off when both buildings were unoccupied"


If I wanted to distract 'people' from a 'real' problem I would try and generate 'attention' around 'non-issues'.
What is the point of putting every second word in quotes? Wouldn't it be a lot easier to type:

If I wanted to distract people from a real problem I would try and generate attention around non-issues.

Just say no to quote inflation!

Of course he is a suspect, he hasn't been convicted.
Who cares what his motivation is, he is a person out to kill people with bombs.
I don't know, the "quotes" had me convinced it was a profound statement.

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
If I didn't have 'anything' of 'relevance' related to the 'topic' I would probably be posting 'something' similar to your 'posts'.
Someone who is minimizing the acts of a terrorist who places anti-personnel bombs that endanger fellow citizens and targets first responders, is not making relevant comments but is rather making anti-social statements in support of said terrorism and is at least worthy of ridicule. Trying to engage in a logical discussion with someone espousing such ideas is a waste of time.

If this person is actually in Puna, I hope some civic minded resident turns him in quickly so that justice can be served, if not for civic reasons, then at least for the reward. I hope there aren't very many residents that sympathize with his acts. Maybe the ones that target the papaya farmers... A different issue but also domestic terrorism.

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
Were your feelings hurt? That took a real personal tone real quick.

Did you read the post(s) its obvious no one is concerned about this guy - nor should be. This is about spreading fear and focuses on misuse / gross misappropriation of funds - flying to tropical islands - fancy hotels - rental cars - $250,000 reward? - for the animal rights activist? Our country is in debt why? Scratches head.

Did you miss the part where the bombs were set to explode when no one was around?


"Trying to engage in a logical discussion with someone espousing such ideas is a waste of time."

Let me translate: I can't solve problems or find solutions, I use violence and lock people in cages like animals.

Yeah you should definitely come to Puna - you'd fit in much better than Florida (haha) all those conservatives - george zimmerman - and jeb bush - they would probably agree with you about this animal rights activist - what a terror!

One mans terrorist is anothers freedom fighter.


"The bureau says he is a violent animal rights extremist responsible for planting two bombs in August of 2003 at the Emeryville headquarters of Chiron Corporation, a medical technology company. Agents believe the first bomb was designed to do damage, but the second was designed to injure first responders."


"Agents believe San Diego was behind another bombing a month later, when a potentially deadly device studded with nails exploded in Pleasanton at the offices of the Shaklee Company, a maker of nutritional supplements. No one was hurt in either incident."

I don't know what others think, but I certainly am not willing to defend someone who allegedly sets a bomb to hurt first responders or uses a nail bomb - the latter is hardly designed just to do some property damage or make a point.


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