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HARC soliciting funds
Mr Wells......I noticed that you have not response to either my or Mimosa's questions.
I completely agree with him. His questions are concerning and should be set straight .
My question is valid as well and we deserve a response. who would be better to do that than yourself.....being HACA treasure.
Answering these questions could be the beginning of mitigating any damages you may have done HARC's reputation in my mind.
Financial statements posted on an updated web site would go a long way to ease tension and insecuritys in this community as to HARC's trustworthiness.
You can not defend yourself or your boards position with excuses, diverting the topic, name calling or sheer nastiness. Speculating who is posting what under what name or how many times, is really child like.
As a HARC board member who professed that he had no problem spending every cent of road money on lawer fees, defended a request for tax dollars, and expects rd 1 residents to contribute more (after admitting they already pay the largest portion of funding), you owe this community an explination.
Refusing to address the issues is not acceptable.
It is time the tail stops wagging the dog Mr. Wells.
Axtually I did respond at length to Mimosa at 11:16:34. FYI I am the secretary. FYI, Re:funding see above post (you should know as you were on the boarf for six years). No speculation is involved really as 2bad4u claims to have been an attendee at all of the HARC meeings and guerss what folks she is often the only guest there. All of our meetings are on digital video and digital voice recorders as well as written minutes so even though 2bad4u stopped signing in as a guest she really does not say too much at the meetings anymore and when she does deign to participate is much more restrained. In short everything I report here in response to mis-information by 2bad4u and others is verifiable. Meanwhile 2bad4u seems to be shy about her secret identity. Again - the office is open three days per week, mon tues and thursday come by or call for more information. We are working on getting the web site more functional by the way. Coming soon to a theater near you.

geoffrey wells
geoffrey wells
justthefacts - what the heck are you tqlking about? Please illuminate the rest of us as to some thread of fact to which to tie a response. I personally think people would be suprised that Kutistown is not really a town owned by Kurtis, more later

geoffrey wells
geoffrey wells
Sorry..........don't want to mislead as to your official title.
You did not answer my question and if I knew what the "misunderstanding" was I would not ask.
Also.........I am not sure who you think I am but you are mistaken. What's the deal with insisting that ANYONE should need to tell you who they are. After reading the things that you ( apparently) feel are appropriate to say about people,.........really..... u must be kidding !
Did you not claim to be a participant at HARC meeings? If I am wrong I will stand corrected. As per my earlier posts I believe in the guise of 2bad4u, juast the facts, hawaiianacrespropertyowners, francis donkey and perhaps other personna you are attempting for as yet unknown reasons to bring down HACA and HARC. For all others - go back to my earlier posts - no one comes to these meetings as a general case except for one person. Either she is posting all of this crap or one of her avatars is doing so. Of course she wants to mislead as to my officila title. Last time - all of HARC's meeting are on video or voice digital recorders. If 2bad4u or justthefacts or hawaiianacrespropertyowners or francisdonkey can dispute these please c'mon down. Are we having fun yet. Pass the popcorn.

geoffrey wells
geoffrey wells
i do not like to post directly to an individual but "intheknow" , you seem to walk a very fine line with your posts , on slander you should think very carefully before you write , since you are not knowledgeable about the identity of who or whom is posting . you are assuming allot , and getting into an area of personal attacks without facts to back up statements .
This forum , I believe is to make comments and statements about things that are happening in our community, to enlighten people , i dont think it was set up to be a platform to brutalize people , to make vicious , nasty untrue statements to slander people . sure some statements are going to be harsh,the truth is not always roses, but i caution you, think before you type.
a question , do you OWN a property in the acres?

Originally posted by justthefacts

i think that people would be surprised to find out what board members are actual property/land owners in acres subdivision.

Why is that not a requirement?
Fun facvts - "slander" requires answering three conditions - first the slandered person(s) (Just guessing, that would be you, as yet un-named) needs to prove the statements false. Second the statements need to be witnessed (no problem there as oviously I am posting in as public forum and (whoa!) using my real person name. Third, the defendant needs to prove that even if false those statements caused damage. Good luck.

geoffrey wells
geoffrey wells
Originally posted by intheknow

Fun facvts - "slander" requires answering three conditions - first the slandered person(s) (Just guessing, that would be you, as yet un-named) needs to prove the statements false. Second the statements need to be witnessed (no problem there as oviously I am posting in as public forum and (whoa!) using my real person name. Third, the defendant needs to prove that even if false those statements caused damage. Good luck.

geoffrey wells

No one here is "slandering" anyone, by definition. Slander is verbal defamation, and everything here is written, not spoken. It you defame someone in writing, that is libel.

The plaintiff does not need to prove the statements false, although it can't hurt. The plaintiff needs to prove that the defamatory statement was made as alleged.

Truth is a DEFENSE to defamation. Whenever a defense comes into play, the burden of proof is on the defendant, not the plaintiff.
lavalaca - I believe it is and I believe the current members are legal. Please have jsutthefacts or 2bad4u or francisdonkey or hawaiianacrespropertyowners show otherwise. Be aware please that the folks posting false information were either on the board for an illegal amount of time or they did not actully attend meetings - it can not be two wats.

geoffrey wells
geoffrey wells

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