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Puna expecting any time now??
Originally posted by gypsy69

Warning population increase, Thought this day would never come?.

Maybe thought we could have had better jobs, maybe owned a bigger home, or more cars. Maybe we haven't changed the world yet the way we thought?. Thinking about holding our little girl ------ here shortly, we feel everything is about to change, time will stand still or be forgotten for a moment, then start ticking differently(faster?) with every precious second. [Smile]

Maybe we all could have had better this and that, could have also had worse this or that, so life goes on.

You've changed the world in a wonderful way, a son that may do wonders and add to yours and others lives, and now another miracle is upon you. You and yours have it all and another chance to change the world. always expect the worst, hope for the best and accept what comes your way. Good luck to all and hope you have easier times ahead.

Little children are still the symbol of the eternal marriage between love and duty.
George Eliot

Don't be an sesquipedalian, Eschew Obfuscation.....

Sometimes, when I see the neighborhood children make small discoveries of their own, I wish I were a child.
With apologies to Dr. Seuss

Don't be an sesquipedalian, Eschew Obfuscation.....

Sometimes, when I see the neighborhood children make small discoveries of their own, I wish I were a child.
With apologies to Dr. Seuss

Thank you all for your kind words. malia is doing great, really sleeping and growing a lot right now. We are not going to many places yet or having to much company, I guess we are just adjusting ourselves and being a little protective. Her older brothers have all taken to their baby sister with plenty of love and attention.:-)

P.s. our computers hard drive convienantly broke a few days after malia was born so we have had even more quality and productive time on our hands. The computer was not even a year old, why don't these companies make something that would last or can be fixed:-).


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