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HACA Special Election
the acre head facebook is another venue spewing out hate and venomous statement directed at people in the community , so i guess that is why the post says "some of the posts on acre heads are about AG letters"
The more I think about it the less I understand the point of this thread. So, you're going to sue the pants off the HACA. We geddit. And the road committee. We geddit. you're not a Happy Chappy or a glad Gladys. We geddit. But are you really, publicly, on line, saying that it doesn't matter what changes are put in place or what efforts are made by good people to resolve all this, that you will still do everything in you power to make things as impossible as you can?? Am I missing something here??

it doesn't matter what changes are put in place or what efforts are made by good people

Welcome to Hawaiian Acres.
I would show up with popcorn, a cold drink and a beach chair for a live debate between justthefacts and moosecox
Bring some for Rob for supremely and patiently allowing + putting up with this tripe.

Pog wrote:

"Bring some for Rob for supremely and patiently allowing + putting up with this tripe."

Agreed and this is one of the more civilised threads. I also wonder if the evening Keaau bottleneck is frying tempers these days. There's definitely a change in attitude recently, but it's also good that people have a place to let off steam. Just wish it didn't get so personal.
agreed , i think people get personal because they cant openly say the things that they post , and yes there has been a drastic change in peoples behavior and attitude , lots more hostility these days.
hey willyhunglo ,, keep coming to the meetings and im sure you will get your chance to relax in your lawn chair,,,, of course she will go out n the parkng lot and call the police saying I or someone else is brandishing a gun,,, weak mind on that one.
Moose Boto - It is plainly evident to my wife and myself that you are a man of HATE.
Can you PLEASE tone it down with others on this board that have a different opinion than you do .
What meetings are you speaking about ? Are you a board member and which board is that ?
Are all board members as mean and full of HATE as you are.
Just chill Moose Boto.
Be nice.
You are making this place ugly .
I would guess it is alcohol and drugs that make you this way .
Just calm down and accept others varied opinions .
The real pornography here is that these two have managed to cost this community upwards of tens of thousands of dollars in lost and redirected revenue. By being able to pretend to attend meeting they have not, it gives credibility to their allegations. Certainly there is dissension in the ranks of the association. There are allegations of inefficiency that is easily mistaken for people doing the best they can with what they have. There are allegations of self service, which is equally easily confused with things coincidently benefiting one member over another. I am not sayings that there are no grounds for dissatisfaction, only that the allegations of gross misconduct and theft appear to have been manufactured by the McDonald's to fuel this fire.


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