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dues dues dues
dear mimosa ill try to go slow here in my response , so just do your best to keep up ok ?

10 owners of one lot,,,? yeah that happens a lot,,, but even if it was common ,, there of course would be one primary owner ,, with voting rights and such ,,,,

senior citizens exemption,,,,,, if you had read my proposal at all ,,you would have found there is allowance for the exemption as well as many others, most people now don't pay so what your concern , ?

Hawaii county exemption ,,, in case you haven't caught on by now,,,the county ,, the state and the feds can and do whatever they want to regardless of your grumblings .

funding for litigation ,,, yes lets all by any means we can,, find more reasons and opportunities for the scum sucking lawyer class in our society to profit,,, America is already the most litigious country on earth,,, I wonder if that correlates to the number of spineless folks who would rather sue than work,,, for their piece of the pie. I do believe that the board can use the collected funds for purchase of insurance. if im wrong in this im sure you or your better half will let me know,,,please cite your ref.

veterans exemption ,,,, I occurs to me that veterans should be exempt from many of the things we all hate ,,, they should get free tags ,, inspections ,, tax breaks ,,extra consideration for employment ,, ect ect ect ,,,,, speaking for myself ,,being a combat wounded veteran I feel a bit partial to all my brothers and sisters who have done their duty,,,, by the way ,,, where did you serve and did you take a bullet for your service,,,if so than you to can be exempt.

land court ,, like every other branch of this great state ( seconded only to Louisiana in corruption ) will of course follow the path of least resistance and do the least that is required to settle the matter at hand,, they don't really care one way or the other about the individuals involved ,,, its just another case number to them,,,

what iv found out as you put it,,, is that without everyone getting together on these matters and working with each other for the greater good,, than nothing will ever change ! you ,, me ,,all of us are equally guilty in this part !

no matter what we do or don't do,,,the same problems we had with the road corp and the poa 20 years ago just keep cropping up over and over and over again. your answer to this , is of course just bark and cry ,, instead of pitching in for the greater good.

the acres will continue to be developed ,, more people will come ,,,, more lots will sell ,,,,, you and Gladys kravitz cannot scare them away with your trifling discourse . they will come,,, and under y proposal they would shoulder the majority of weight of these fees. as I said before ,, the old folks like pog ,, mimosa ,, 2bad4u ,,, well eventually you will all pass away leaving the property to be placed in another name ,,,thru inheritance or gift or whatever manner is appropriate,, then the fees would apply to the new owner. those of you that don't pay now are just a side liability that will eventually fall along the trail of progress,,,,

we don't have to let our subdiv. become what the others have,,we can make it different ,, better,,, but it will take teamwork and a coming together of the owners .

well I guess iv tried to make it clearer ,,, hope you guys can pull your head out of your asses long enough to see and do the right thing !
1. Retrofitting mandatory dues into an existing subdivision would require CC&Rs to be retroactively inserted into all deeds for that subdivsion. Not impossible, but unlikely.

2. Road fees should be per-vehicle and based on weight. Road frontage and number of owners is irrelevant. Cross-reference vehicle registration with homeowners' property tax exemption to find the "tax cheats" attempting to evade fees by registering outside the subdivision. (Perhaps a small baseline per-lot fee for administrative expenses, with the bulk of "road dues" based on vehicle registration.)
there is no working as a team as long as there is extreme hostility involved.
like i said go to a meeting and present your idea.
I'll vote no on mandatory dues. It was a huge plus on deciding to buy in the Acres.

I'll take freedom over regulation any day and I get the gist most HA folks agree.

I agree. No fees. No changing the original arrangement. I believe that fees were attempted to be forced on Hawaiian Acres Citizens in the past and there was a court case where the citizens beat Ruth Long and the attempted enforcers. Some people don't want the roads improved and cars whizzing by at high speeds leaving various animals as roadkill. Hmm roadkill can be stir-fried too though along with the coquis. pros and cons
Leave the fee structure as it is.
Do not need any more fee's in HA.
Work with what you have,not with what you want.
I think I'll put a curb and sidewalk in in front of my lots .....just to be I have to agree with the last two post I bought in the ares to get away from the "norm" no dues, no roads,no improvement, but yes to the off road races!
It is the nature of roads that they need fixing, they need maintenance. I think the present dues are reasonable. What I do not find reasonable is the money paid for dues going to pay for battling lawsuits.

Whether the lawsuits have merit or not it is basically money wasted that should have gone to its real purpose on the roads.

What would it take for the lawsuits to stop?
The law suits have been brought by justthefact and 2bad4u. They are suing both boards. The HACA is suing back. It is their expressed intention to continue with the suits irrespective of compromise or change. I do not know how it is possible for volunteer members of a community association to be personally made liable for the legal diarrhea of everyTom, dick and Harry that brings a frivolous law suit. This may be the result of American litigious society and the board genuinely need protection, or it could be a result of overreaction on the part of the board. Of course an attorney is going to tell them 'you need an attorney' and of course the insurance company are going to say 'you need indemnity'. This is not the first law suits these people have brought so personally I would rely on the courts beings aware of this, so I suppose the real question is the possibility of justice in the American justice system?

the real question is the possibility of justice in the American justice system?

Not for the amount of money involved in this case; "justice" has a 7-figure minimum.

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