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Puna Pono Alliance Assault?
Look the guy was obviously not mentally stable. He was very emotional and apparently had much more to say. Bob P, was only trying to defuse the escalating situation and 15 years ago that would not have been so difficult for Bob. I have been to a few of those alliance community meetings and have always found them to be very casual, informative, and loaded with prominent good standing community members.
Really the guy was under the influence of Patsy for to many days or weeks and got emotionally tangled up with her problems, j.m.o. This looks terrible for Puna and Haas yet again, seems to be to many assaults happening on Haas campus. I have not heard much more about Smiths assault case recently even though we have started a new school year now. As for you Bob Patricci haters you are starting another witch hunt if you ask me, and your just waiting for him to make a mistake to rub his face in it.
The storm really has brought on some tough times for so many that a few blow ups like this should have been expected. Yes maybe these meetings need more than former mayor Kim's presence?. Maybe the county can afford to pull an officer or two from flagging traffic to have them sit with some of the concerned community members at these future meetings?. J.M.O.
I don't see Bob or Steve as being the problem in this video taped scenario.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
The people with too much time on their hands are right here, making a mountain out of a molehill and missing the big picture entirely.
Just sad.
Amazing. And I gave up going to bars when I was in my early 20s, as, it seemed like some drunk slob always wanted to pick a fight. Looks like the Puna public meetings are pretty similiar.

Jon in Keaau/HPP
Jon in Keaau/HPP
Funny how quick he is to call for the police at this "meeting" but didn't do jack when there was alleged student abuse. I guess what do you expect from a guy that looks to have been an international drug smuggler.
microage97, You are engaging in rumor mongering. Damon was kicked off this site. You can be too.

There is an edit button. I suggest you use it.

Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
One positive thing I can say about the belligerent dude in the video: at least he made the effort to peddle over to HAAS to make an ass of himself in person--it would've been much easier from behind a keyboard. Smile

Sounds to me like a lot of axe-grinding.

A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions--Confucius
Very informative to parents who have kids at HAAS - your principal is drinking the koolaid... Maybe Petricci needs to do a better job coaching his rabble... Meanwhile the fact remains that nobody has been able to prove any negative health affects resulting from the latest PGV steam release... Much ado about NOTHING!!%
The Parents of HAAS students know exactly why their children attend. Educate yourself.

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