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Problems at Punaweb

I think you took way to much offense to the criticizim of the wording of the petition for the CAOA. As a totally un-biased observer I think that you received some very good feedback about the petition, from Dan and Kathy.

You seemed to take it very personally. I don't think anyone, other than WJBillock, disagrees with the cause. Most of the people trying to help and/or those saying it wont work with that wording, all have experience in such an arena. It would become you, as well as the cause, to take the advice given as opposed to lashing out. A good friend of mine is a grant writer and as she always says "it isn't what you want it's how you ask".

Although given yours and David's situation I can't say that I wouldn't lash out at a puppy. You're in my prayers. (And no you can't get out Smile


"Sometimes your the bug and sometimes your the windshield"

"It doesn't mean that much to me.. to mean that much to you." Neil Young

...I do not believe down playing crude remarks or ignoring people who are disrespectful is the answer...

I believe that only Rob is the one to make the decision as for what is too much. (and Rob you do a good job of it!!)

As a comparison, my 71 year old mother's idea of rude and crude may be not addressing her old friend as "mrs" or "mr" and using their first name. The carpenters I come into contact with may figure they are not rude as long as the "F" word doesn't come out in my presence, and may let it all loose and say god knows what with each other. I have only gotten snippets but it ain't purty.

Edited by - kapohocat on 11/06/2007 18:55:54
I have found that Rob is very conscientious, and the one time I had a post hijacked, and did not want it to continue, he was more than willing to remove the post at my request. That is an option he has given the originators of posts. If your post gets hijacked, you can have it deleted. I have only had a post hijacked once, and I had the post deleted as the remarks were against my neighbors. The post was not that important, and neither were my ideas (I have found this to be the truest opinion that I have - my ideas really are not earth shattering or needing to remain for posterity, if they were, a webforum is a temporal place at best)

I still don't get it. This is not a LIVE conversation and it is not blared at you against your will. If you don't like what is written, don't read it for goodness sake.

Arguing only keeps the subject in the forefront and gives power and attention to the thing you could have simply ignored.

We all need to stop and remember we are grown ups. Making Rob be hall monitor more often is not a solution.

Punaweb has developed into an incredible community forum. We have people with agendas, people with information, people who just want to make friends. We have a good effect on everything from loneliness and disaster to building problems and gardening. We have people who are serious, people who are playful, people who are sincere and people who just like to stir things up. THAT IS PUNA.

Please everyone just let it go. No one needs to WIN, because if anyone does, it destroys the spirit of what we have had going on here the last couple years.

When you don't like the class clown, you only make it worse when you respond to his behavior; it encourages him to continue. If you ignore it, it goes away eventually because it is not fun anymore.

Grow up.... have fun... ignore what you don't like and if you just can't possibly stand it, stay off the forum. Don't make yourself unhappy.

My opinions aren't so humble.... I know... but geezzzzzzz... get a life already.

Just another day in P A R A D I S E !!
I want to be the kind of woman that, when my feet
hit the floor each morning, the devil says

"Oh Crap, She's up!"
Wooooooo! What a ruckus!
So far the response to my invite for beer and cigars has been underwhelming.
Would some tater salad sweeten the deal?

Richwhiteboy (and self appointed aloha expert)

“Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.”-
Sigmund Freud

“Sometimes the truth hurts. And sometimes it feels real good.”
- Henry Rollins

If someone interprets my last post as inciting thermonuclear war, please explain.


“Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.”-
Sigmund Freud

“Sometimes the truth hurts. And sometimes it feels real good.”
- Henry Rollins

The world of blogging can be rough and tumble, even vicious, but this is one of the most well-behaved forums you will find. Seriously. I respect Rob, our moderator, because he allows a diversity of opinion and only intervenes in cases of outright or gratuitous abuse. Those with less than politically correct points of view (by Puna standards) have an important place here. Think how boring it would be without the diversity and biting humor. I even got criticized for my closing "cheers," but I didn't take it personally. Some people just have different tastes, that's all.


Jerry-I agree with you that this place is very mild compared with other forums.
I wanted to state that I didn't CRITICIZE you about using the word cheers and had hoped that I explained myself about that. Perhaps you didn't reread the reply. Please do so. Thanks-and mahalo. Julie

To change the angle of this thread a little.I think one of the problems with Punaweb is that most of the talking is done by people who do not live here.I mean that not in a bad way,but to say that the mindset of locals is very diiferent from mostly what I have read.I think the reason that a lot of locals do not write in here,is that they are off grid.A lot of them live in unpermitted structures,no elec,no computer etc... A lot of people live out here to be left alone,hold up in their privacy.Puna is rapidly changing and the locals are afraid that new comers will doze down their lots and put in grass.People love their forest and lush greenery here.That helps maintain their privacy.And it helps keep the rain around.People do not want Big Isle to look like California,no offense intended.This beautiful island will only stay that way if we work at it.Also,people worry about where all the new cars will fit.Traffic is starting to get bad.People are nervous here that this island will end up like Oahu or Maui.People want it to stay agricultural,so these are some reasons why they do not write in here.I have been here thirty years and believe me things are changing.We need these changes to take into account people want to keep this island rural.Plus,I know of seceral people who are afraid to write in here because they are in an unpermitted house.They are afraid if they piss anyone off,that retaliation will be a call to the county to report them.I know someone who deleted all their posts off the helicopter thread for that reason, and it isn't Bob OrtsSo,there is more going on here than meets the eye.

Whoa, spaces are a good thing. That was tough to read.

I can't imagine anyone fearing the County authorities being called due to a post on PunaWeb. After all, other than people who have written about their building experiences, people whose name indicates where they live <waves to KapohoCat>, or people that I've met personally, I haven't got a clue where these people are on the island.

Say, for example (and I'm pulling a name out of the hat here), I got angry at hooligal and wanted to report her to the authorities (which I don't, 'cause I think she's cool), I haven't a CLUE where she lives, much less if she's in a permitted or unpermitted house.

To quote an old song "paranoia will destroy 'ya".

John Dirgo, R, ABR, e-PRO
Aloha Coast Realty, LLC
808-987-9243 cell
John Dirgo, R, PB, EcoBroker, ABR, e-PRO
Aloha Coast Realty, LLC
808-987-9243 cell
...if I got angry at hooligal and wanted to report her to the authorities (which I don't, 'cause I think she's cool), I haven't a CLUE where she lives, much less if she's in a permitted or unpermitted house...

John Dirgo, R, ABR, e-PRO

Hey John you will love hooligal! She had me laughing so hard yesterday I about spit my coffee! Sell her a piece of property so she has some where to build her house! Ask her about her BV. She is also doing drafting professionally for any of you that are trying to get unpermitted structures permitted!

Edited by - kapohocat on 11/07/2007 10:47:41

Edited by - kapohocat on 11/07/2007 10:58:55

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