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Wal-Mart abruptly cancels Supercenter
Carolann I couldn’t have said it better, Thanks.
I wonder where Punapetah draws the line? Does he drive a car, use pharmaceuticals, and drive on asphalt roads? Large mainland companies own all these things some are international companies and this stuff has to be imported and add to the destruction of “Rural Puna”. I just wonder where he draws his line in the sand? Ya’ just can’t stand there and say only Wal-Mart is bad.

Mella I think it was about a year ago (Help me on this) the Tribune ran a few articles on this topic.
One of the chains wanted to build a 60 +/- room hotel in Keaau right next to the post office.
As I remember it the land is so polluted from arsenic that they passed on this site. The cost to remove and replace the soil was to high adding to the construction costs.
This was all due to sugar cane farming and processing.

"Many dreams come true and some have silver linings, I look for my dreams and a pocket full of gold" Led Zeppelin
If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it cost when it’s here come the taxes.....
Ladies C&K, I understand you're are viewing the picture though the eyes of a mom on a budget. It's my whole life, (8 kids), trust me when I tell you, your kids can be taught the difference between a purchase of some need as opposed to, oooo! lookatdat, ooops fell inda kart?

I have a hard time understanding, what with ALL the information out there people still eat S**T. I see FAT people buying mega packs of cookies, chips, sugar, soda, crackers, candy, etc, and they wonder why they can't LOOSE da weight. Grow your own!
make a planter on your apartment lani if that's all you can do, The point with food is getting nutrients from it, not just to get the "full feeling". The older the food the value it has, packaged stuff in Walmart has ZERO, none, no live enzimes.
There's a whole Form here on the web if you don't know how to stick a seed in da dirt. No need water, if you live in the rain forest.
I'm gonna go find a pic of my very first plot the first year of landing this time. Check the webpics shortly, one picture is worth a thousand words. try I'll do it first.

Ok done. I walk the walk of the talk I talk.

The older the food the less nutritional value it has for you.

But this topic is about WalMart and WHO buys there, right? You have a valid point about food to be certain, but if you think going to Cost-U-Less is some kinda contribution - tell me where?

The food there is just as "toxic" for the human body as the stuff at WalMart and it does not Cost U Less, I have compared. And HELLO - it's a BIG BOX STORE!


“Some people bring happiness ‘wherever’ they go, others - ‘whenever’ they go.” - Oscar Wilde

"Freedom has a scent like the top of a newborn baby's head..." U2
i have a hard time understanding why someone would have 8 kids when the biggest problem of all is population explosion

Perhaps the canceling of the Walmut supercenter is a blessing. The perfect opportunity now exists for a Soil Developement and Recycle Center. Wouldn't it be great for someone or the county to create a place where you bring in your used up soil, kitchen waste, brush and lawn clippings etc. and return with top quality garden soil that allows you to grow your own produce. For under 200.00 per year you can grow enough food for the year from your own seed and a few simple tools. The local farmer markets are great but you still, unless you know the grower personally, can't be sure whether you are getting top quality produce grown from unpolluted soil and even if you do know the grower What that person might use to boost plant production, in the privacy of their own space and for the almighty buck, just might be very unhealthy.....??? Control of your own produce. I can tell you from years of home gardening and growing from certified organic seed in county tested and approved soil amendments is the only way to really be sure of the best produce at the best price. You can see and taste the difference when done right. Start small and grow with time and experience.....I'll shutup now besides it is sounding like this belongs in a different forum anyway........Anyway some great reading for diy conservation below

(cut and paste)

Aloha HADave

S.china / Kurtistown

Edited by - HADave on 11/23/2007 14:33:49
Aloha HADave & Mz P

Hawaiian Acres

The best things in life are free.... or have no interest or payments for one full year.

I think its time everyone take one step back and face some stark realities.

First and foremost, Wal-Mart decision to not build their Super Center had absolutely nothing to do with a negative business attitude towards businesses and everything to do with economics.

1. All the SuperCenters are able to maintain initial low prices because the cost of the development is partially paid for buy ALL taxpayers. Since Hawaii didn't grant any economic development subsidy, the cost of this development would be paid for by only those that shopped at the stores, not everyone on the island. If Wal-Mart can’t get massive infrastructure subsidies or outright government paying for a portion of the development, the shoppers will have to make up that cost in higher prices.
2. A SuperCenter is not a retail outlet only but also a grocery. Groceries require a larger percentage of full-time semi or skilled workers. The Big Island does not have the people. So they would need to bring in some and the cost of living makes it difficult to attract transfers on the low wages they pay. Additionally, part of their marketing for subsidies is that SuperCenters have a higher percentage of full-time workers. However those full-time workers will have to be provided health insurance. Since Hawaii is treating them like every other business, Wal-Mart can’t afford to give everyone health insurance as required because they traditionally pay just under the amount required to force the workers on government subsidized insurance.
3. Demographics play a big role. SuperCenters normally open in areas where a population of 200,000 is within grocery buying distance. The entire island is 150,000 and its unlikely someone will load up on frozen shrimp, TV dinners, cold milk, and eggs having to drive across the island to the other side. So they must realize the numbers never did add up. There are also a high percentage of people that they realized would rather buy certain local produced and fresher products. They also will need to stock products that may not be sold and with no alternative outlet, they may not be able to sell what people really want.
4. Wal-Marts SuperCenter distribution networks is the best in the world. It enables them to ship items efficiently from warehouse to store and from store to store. Think about this: When a product is approaching it’s expiration date, they could divert it from one store to another where lower prices may fool people into not checking expiration dates, thus making money on a product that might otherwise have to be discarded. But on he BI, what other grocery store do they have to play with and how long will it take to ship it from the BI back to Oahu? There distribution network requires dozen of store serviced from a short driving distance. That’s certainly not here. They also are having problems with their favored shipping process. Hawaii isn’t fast-tracking their shipments without inspection like they once did due to violations discovered. This adds cost to the shipments well as increasing the potential of shipment being rejected.
5. And the most important reason is Wal-Mart is running into problems with their business model. The days of arm twisting manufactures into selling at or below their cost are gone. With many other retailers starting to mimic their model, they are not as competitive as they once were. Manufactures are also finding that Wal-Mart is a bully and they are no longer bending over backwards. Wal-Mart’s low prices are actually higher for many products when you compare unit pricing, not just cost of what looks like two similar items. How many have discovered the slightly larger package but with a smaller net weight? If your were amazed at the bigger box and paid no attention to the actual unit price compared to other stores, you got taken like they wanted you to be taken.

Wal-Mart went outside their comfort zone with this center and was over their heads and they knew it. They rightful pulled the plug. But it had ZERO to do with how Hawaii treats businesses.

AMEN, and I am thankful for Bob's educating Walmart shopper, Thank you for spreading the realties of the situation.
Mahalo, Bradda!

Boy that was an in depth review thanks Bob. Where do you get all this stuff? 15 years of higher education? LOL boy that takes determination, patience and fortitude!

Point number 5 was especially interesting to me, "5. And the most important reason is Wal-Mart is running into problems with their business model. The days of arm twisting manufactures into selling at or below their cost are gone. With many other retailers starting to mimic their model, they are not as competitive as they once were. Manufactures are also finding that Wal-Mart is a bully and they are no longer bending over back wards".


I have read of the bulling of independent enterprises and their contracts and such.

Just last week while shopping here in my little town, I visited an artist friend. One of Oprah's favorites in 2005 if I recall, surprise to me, didn't know a thing about that. Perhaps exposure isn't all that great of an idea! This artist employs 45 people in our small town. Her high end products are sold mostly on the east. Just the seconds get sold here in our small town!

Point of the story is that she tells me, one of my fondest products of hers, is now being copied (essentially in every detail!!!) by Walmart and produced in China, sold for 1/4 of what the original product goes for! She tells me as a repeat customer of her art, if I walked into walmart and saw this product, I would know it and think it was her product!!

Well she has filed suit, not for money, but to get the Walmart copies off the shelves, and if that is refused she will go for the money. It is hard for the little guy to go up against Walmart, but this one is and I wish her all the luck! Oh she has big guns out, very well connected, so lets wish her well, and all the best. Oh yes there are contingency plans, you bet.

Although I do appreciate the competition walmart brings to the somewhat limited market shopping, choices, there is always 19 reasons for or against any thing so long as lawyers and us peoples are involved!


mella l
mella l
Art and Science
As a member of an online store which promotes handcrafted items and art, I so understand her ideals. Many times people will find a piece of work done by an artist and will buy it at a fair price and find a higher-end market and resell the artwork. It's a shame, but what we risk.

Photographers have this problem too and so will place a ghost embossment over their online photos for sale.


P.S. I have to add that before we moved to Hawaii I could not bring myself to go to WalMart often due to their widely-known unscrupulous business practices. Bottom line came into play here - they beat the cost elsewhere hands-down for the products we do buy there...mostly paper goods and personal products...can't justify paying almost 2x more elsewhere. I am humbled.

“Some people bring happiness ‘wherever’ they go, others - ‘whenever’ they go.” - Oscar Wilde

Edited by - carolann r on 11/24/2007 12:27:55

Edited by - carolann r on 11/24/2007 12:45:24

"Freedom has a scent like the top of a newborn baby's head..." U2

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