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Puna Cannabis Club
Nate mentions Marinol in his "new thread' about the canibis medicine.

I had a prescription for Marinol. It worked great. 40mgs was like a fatty only 30-45 minutes later.

And get this made from red hash and oil in little round gel caps they cost $15-25 each.

Of course it got restricted to ONLY those Dying of Aids and Cancer and for only a limited time of 6 months.

That's our government at work. They know it helps people, they know it's harmless, and they know how to produce it, cheaply.

They also know how to turn a profit.
"Chinese pharmacopoeia has used pakalolo for 5000 years.


Yep, You've got it right and what they are learning now about it is astounding.

"But the U.S. gov. is more informed and seems the need to protect us from ourselves...Who won the "Drug War""

Carolyn & Pohaku,

The really funny thing about all this is just who is running cocaine, heroin and Mexican marijuana into the US, bringing in tons per flight!

The Mexican and Latin American press report on these drug plane crashes and mishaps on a regular basis. Having real newspapers, they actually publish the registration numbers from these planes and Lear jets.

Then, crafty US investigative journalists like Daniel Hop sicker get the owners records, investigates them and then put the results up on the web!**lol**

Here's the really funny part! Guess who's running the drugs?

Here's a great cake recipe.

Take one government & it's assorted agencies, add top leaders of one of two major political parties, mix in hundreds of tons of special ingredients and there you have it.

Cake aside, back to our subject.

Cocaine, heroin and Mexican marijuana for all our communities, streets and schools.

No community left behind!


Almost as good as football and American Idol.

Ya gotta love it.**S**

Peace & Aloha!
Lee Eisenstein

"Be kinder than necessary, as everyone you meet is engaged in some kind of strudel."
Weapons, Drugs and Money are exchanged by our government on behalf of "American Interests"

The 5 Biggest weapons dealers on the planet are the same 5 permanent members of the Security Counsel.

The U.K., the U.S., China, Russia and France.

Where the munitions go, so go the drugs and money. Start a war in the country where heroin production has multiplied since the war began, tells you what?

I remember the same thing happening with the Vietnam body bags full of dope.


Who you going to vote for , Mrs. Jack in the Box?, Taco Bell? or another Big Mac?
Nobody on the planet ever enjoyed that wild wood weed more than I, through the years, and I will always remain a strong advocate for it's legalization, however some of the data supporting its medicinal qualities is simply inaccurate. I won't begin to admit just howmuch or for how long I indulged but I can attest to the fact that I have advanced glaucoma and was not controled by prescription drugs, lazer surgeries and or copious amounts of cannabis and oh how I tried.. The fact is it simply had no effect over the course of years in conjunction with or by itself in controlling this disease. I continued loosing nerve fiber tissue untill knife surgery took place and I still after 11 procedures still require drops and routine monitoring. My IOP (pressure in my eyes ) must be maintained below 10mm. About the only thing the canabis did for me was put me in a place where I didn;t care what time it was never mind what my pressure was not to mention flannel shirt tongue and bad breath. Oh Well a valiant attempt was made and you can probably read stories how folks will say their sight was saved, mine however was not I have at best an 18 degree field of vision and no promices that I won't loose more. I will say though that I don't believe it did me any harm and I do ever so hesitantly say I'd probably be totally blind had it not been for all the years of cannabis use. I would be for a club though primarily because we are talking about a plant that was here before us and it should have a place among the people and what greater vehicle than a club to help it get there. Besides it works well with all other clubs, for instance, members of the cannbis club could always be called upon to be in charge of the food and drink table [Big Grin]

Aloha HADave & Mz P

Hawaiian Acres

The best things in life are free.... or have no interest or payments for one full year.

Put it next to a bar and they could be designated drivers.
Around five years ago, the largest chemical receptor system in the human body was discovered. Scientists named it the endocannabinoidal (internal cannabis) system, because it only responds to marijuana-like chemicals produced by the mammilian brain and nervous system.

Dr. Robert Melameide belives it is the "universal regulator" for the human and mammilian body.

Turning off this system in lab animals results in early severe physical and emotional problems and early mortality.

The term is worth a google, if you're interested in why it is that cannabis is showing such a broad range of preventative, pallative and curative properties.

Science will out in the end and fortunately, it's enabling us a more complete understanding of the species long relationship between us and the cannabinoids.

It's recently been confirmed that CBD, a non-psychoactive cannabinoid, kills cancer cells without harming healthy cells. Very large doses are required. Much high doses than one could possibly obtain by smoking, vaping, ect.

When research into new marijuana based medicines is allowed, medical researchers expect to bring forth medicines for the public containing high concentrations of CBD's, for example.
Lee Eisenstein

"Be kinder than necessary, as everyone you meet is engaged in some kind of strudel."

Michael Rivero has a wonderful picture on the home page of his, <> website of our former first lady, posing at the White House with a gentleman described by the DEA as a major Latin American drug trafficker.

He was a significant campaign donor to her husbands campaign at the time.

Say, wasn't John McCain one of the "Keating Five" of Iran Contra, drugs for guns saga?

"...From 1987 to 1989, McCain underwent a federal investigation as a member of the "Keating Five," a group of senators who were accused of improperly intervening with federal regulators on behalf of Charles H. Keating Jr., a bank chairman whose Lincoln Savings & Loan Association eventually became one of the biggest failures in the savings and loan disasters of the late 1980s. He was eventually cleared of the charges, although investigators declared that he had exercised "poor judgment" by meeting with the regulators...."

Keating's bank, Silverado (great name!), appears to have been a major drug money laundering financial institution. President Bush's brother Neil was also involved with Silverado, if memory serves.

Say, wasn't that other Bush brother, "Marvelous" Marvin Bush on the board of directors for the company that had the security contracts for the three 9/11 airports and the World Trade Centers?

"...The one that has me most stunned right now is the information dug up and actually published (in the Prince George's Journal of Prince George, MD) way back on Feb. 4, 2003, reporting that George Bush's obscure youngest brother Marvin was on the board of directors of a company called Securacom (now changed to Stratesec) that was responsible for providing "electronic security" to the World Trade Center right up to 9/11/2001.

The company, according to author, Margie Burns, is backed by the Kuwait-American Corp., an investment firm with links to the Bush family.

Burns wrote back in 2003 that Securacom also had a contract to maintain electronic security systems at Dulles Airport, and that it "handled some security for United Airlines in the 1990s," though she notes that this work was completed prior to Marvin Bush's joining the board in 1998...."

Wow, these guys are always where the action is!

Now Clinton and McCain may be the official candidates for the Presidency!**lol**

Everything old is new again!

Fun, fun, fun!

Oh, we're talking about cannabis clubs, not politics, so sure, bring on the cannabis clubs!

Enterprising folks might want to wait and see if a Dem takes the White House in Nov., as positive change will be more likely at that time, should they do so, imho.

Fellow featherless bipeds, Aloha!
Lee Eisenstein

"Be kinder than necessary, as everyone you meet is engaged in some kind of strudel."
Okay, in spite of this highly amusing thread, like the guy in "Cooler" I'm going to be a bring-down and suggest that cannabis does in fact have a detrimental health effect, although I don't have the proof or links right here to prove it. I believe that the deep smoking harms the lungs, as much as or more than tobacco smoking. How could it not? I know that water pipes and inhalers soften the effect, but so do cigarette filters, but the bottom line is, there must be some lung damage over time. If someone knows differently please respond - I'd love to be wrong about this guilty pleasure...
The choices are far more complex than prohibition vs. legalization. What we need to do NOW is start learning what works in other countries and start relying a little more on common sense and decency."

"No drug, including marijuana, is completely safe- but as the DEA's own administrative judge Francis Young declared in 1988, marijuana is possibly "one of the safest therapeutically active substances know to man."
Though 36 states have called for the legalization of marijuana for medical treatment, the federal government refuses to remove pot from a Schedule 1 listing as a dangerous narcotic."

Nadelmann & Wenner
Rolling Stone Magazine May 5th 1994

We've come along way baby, but the feds still prefer to control our lives.

Great group here, but that is what Puna is all about.
Cannibis Clubs are the next step. This should be easy to get off the ground, so to speak. The next circle of buds you find yourself in, sign up everyone and plan on meeting again as soon as possible.


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