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Hi there! I'm moving to Discovery Harbor.
Great. Another rainmaker.

By what measure are you implying this individual is not legal and legit. Tell me.

What is your purpose in casting aspersions on this person? Does it make you feel good?

If I don't get a good answer you will be taking a vacation.

Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
Don't be to hard on them rob... they are just going on what is known..

"My mom and I are buying a home in Discovery Harbor! She's retired, I'm disabled so I get SSI, (I can walk and get around fine, my disability is unrelated to mobility.) so there's no worries of commute or a job. We've lived in rural locations for many years of our lives, and she loves the house we're getting, and I know how ridiculously picky she is with houses, so much so that early on I quit trying to help her because everything I suggested was not good enough, lol. For my mom it has to be absolutely pristine, so I'm positive the place is amazing. "

Nothing wrong with smoking ack..ack...and nothing wrong with having a disability. But it's easy to make assumptions.
No, they aren't going off of anything that they know, they are going off of their assumptions. "Nothing wrong with smoking ack..ack...and nothing wrong with having a disability. But it's easy to make -assumptions-." Look at that, you yourself admit it's assumed. I guess I have to tell 3 total strangers what my disability is, or else you will get on my case as the very first thing you do upon meeting me. That's the kind of people you are, alaskyn, punatic007, linchpin. You don't have aloha. If it's so ****ing important that you know about my personal disability, I'm Asperger's Syndrome, I've been diagnosed autistic since I was a teenager. Are you happy now that you know my problem? Let's hear how you're damaged, lets talk about your disabilities, now, since you're so fascinated by the subject! Your turn! Also, don't give me lies about autism being just a different way of thinking. It really is not, I know from personal experience and having lived with 2 severely autistic people for 8 years.

All I want to do with my life is just have fun and relax after the majority of my life being either extreme abuse from my step dad, surgery to remove my brain tumor, or further abuse at the hand of my girlfriend when I ran away from home at 18. When people like the three of you give me **** and won't even give me a chance upon meeting me the first time, I wonder why you're even on the island. It really isn't a place for kneejerk, ignorant hostility towards people who just want to chill after having to deal with horrible **** their entire life.

alo, 1. sharing 2. in the present
oha, joyous affection, joy
ha, life energy, life, breath

Using Hawaiian language grammatical rules, we will translate this literally as "The joyful sharing of life energy in the present" or simply "Joyfully sharing life". You three are literally the exact opposite of the spirit of Hawai'i.
Aloha Smile
Originally posted by glassnumbers

...It really isn't a place for kneejerk, ignorant hostility towards people...

You're right, and Hawaii isn't like that. Punaweb often gets like that thanks to a vocal few.

Don't get discouraged. Most of the people here are really very nice.
Originally posted by Chas

Originally posted by glassnumbers

...It really isn't a place for kneejerk, ignorant hostility towards people...

You're right, and Hawaii isn't like that...

Less so than most places in the states, but there's still plenty of resentment to be found of people living on government benefits. I find these complaints to be a bit tiresome, but their perspective must be considered too. Many people have to work all of their lives, with little opportunity to pursue happiness.
So, Glassnumbers, I suggest that you don't emphasize your paid disability and desires to smoke pot and laze on the beach when meeting people in the flesh. Your interest in eradicating invasive species is something anyone can admire. It's hard work that may require either using noxious poisons or ripping plants out by the roots and disposing of them properly. Volunteering in this field, or working for a nominal fee, would make you a valuable asset to your new community.

you have a good point when it comes to work being admirable, but the whole perspective where people feel like I owe them work because I was born disabled is not one I find terribly sympathetic. There's absolutely nothing wrong with smoking weed and chilling out on the beach, and I can't believe I have to say this in a webforum called Punaweb. Puna has Pahoa which is probably the most liberal, hippy town on the big island.

“The perfect blossom is a rare thing. You could spend your whole life looking for one, and it would not be a wasted life.” -Ken Watanabe

Just because others have had to work all their lives, why would you wish the same fate upon me? I don't consider going out to a national park once a week and hanging out with some cool folks and chopping down ginger to be work, because I choose to do that. I'm not going to wake up every morning and go out with a chainsaw, though.

Why? because a life spent in the pursuit of happiness is no less valid than one spent working. Why? Ars longa, vita brevis; the craft so long to learn, the life so short. You spend all that time learning and working and then in the end you die and you spent most of your life not actually living. The individual's right to living their own life as joyously as possible is all we really have.

Also, thank you Chas. These dudes coming in here and acting like I owe them something just because I want to have a good time is just...Surprising. I would expect anyone, anyone at all that lives in Hawai'i to immediately understand the perspective of wanting to spend their life relaxing in paradise...That seems to be a trait that billions of human beings share in common.

Aloha Smile
Aloha Smile

I welcome you to Punaweb and want to point out my purpose with this site. Punaweb is intended to give Puna an opportunity to be a window on how Puna is, not necessarily how we might wish it to be. Its too bad your topic got bent by people who seem to need to quash a spirit that they do not apparently possess. But you are welcome here.

Experience is that one needs a bit of a thick skin on an internet forum. Do Not Feed the Trolls applies here as it does elsewhere on the internet.
Assume the best and ask questions.

Punaweb moderator
plenty of resentment to be found of people living on government benefits

Hey, if they're also "neighbors", then think of it as "keeping more tax money in the local community"...
Rob, you are correct that people have the right to peruse happiness... but at what expense?
You want to know my animosity? You want to know why I turned into a complete prick?
Look back at my posts. One year this month my son and I were in a car accident. To this day he is scared to death to ride in a vehicle, and I can no longer walk unassisted. I'm finally out of a wheelchair, but I will never do the things I did before. I'll never make the hikes that my family used to enjoy. I still can not walk in deep sand or on loose rock.
We were broadsided by a lady who (at the time I did not know) was higher than a damned kite and fell asleep going twice the speed limit. I'm sure that she too felt there was "nothing wrong with smoking pot and hanging out at the beach". She had no insurance. She had no assets. 30 year old woman living with friends leaching off the system. I lost my business. My 8 employees lost their jobs. I almost lost my family.

I don't want anyone's pitty. So I don't talk about it. I just go on with my life.
But seeing someone brag how they can't wait to move here and basically BECOME the person who did this to me?
Please don't...
Originally posted by Linchpin

Just what we need!
More jobless people living off family/friends who want to hang out on the beach and smoke pot all day.

I agree, it is just what we need!

More financially independent people who don't take jobs away from the undereducated local populace.

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