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A Sunday Morning Walk In Puna
"If you were out fishing with your kids and snarling, barking dogs started circling within a few feet of them, would you wait to protect your children "unless one of them (the dogs) did bite or attack?" That's what you suggested I should have done."

Gypsy is suggesting he would have let the dogs attack, possibly tear one of his kids to pieces, before calling the police, after which the police would have insisted the dogs stay leashed.
Spot on Gypsy. But I think the 'victim' was shouting about the police once pulling away with tail between his legs ... LOL.

Hawaii better hope and pray that CCW is never allowed.
lucky we live Joe !

Thanks for your follow up to the question I had for you pog.
I'll answer it for you.
If the sign was posted at the entrance to the parking lot, no one would see it because they would be driving too fast to read all of the rules and regulations, which requires two full signs to post them. At the trailhead people are walking, not driving, so they can't say "I never saw that dogs must be on a leash." The sign is not a point of demarcation, or a line in the sand. The rules cover the entire property.

You and gypsy may not always agree with everything I say, and I don't always agree with all that the two of you say. But I'd never wish physical harm on either of you, or think it was funny if you made a narrow escape from serious injury.

You could never convince a monkey to give you a banana by promising him limitless bananas after death in monkey heaven.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
HOTPE, You didn't exactly have the same situation you suggested regarding my kids fishing and being circled by snarling dogs. The owners of the dogs in your situation was there and not there in your hypothetical fishing version of mine. I don't carry mace but I do have a gun for a right arm, especially when loaded with rocks and a commanding voice if needed. Anyway, Thankfully no one was hurt or bit today in your situation and you can move on now knowing it's part of history. Maybe you could learn to walk with a dog friend on a leash in the future as actions sometimes speak louder than words.

P.S. I find that Dogs on leashes are usually a bit more submissive than protective. The woman you walked upon may have not known you were there so the dogs who probably smelled you may have been letting them know. Good Dogs can usually sense fear or danger as well which is why I think they reacted the way they did. Please take no offense to my Gibberish it's only my opinions. This is only a suggestion, You could move your walking habits elsewhere like most locals and Kanaka's have had to do over the years to cater to the Haole and Asains that are moving over.
For example, When I no longer could afford living in Puako next to the Ruddle Ohana, I moved to Kawaihai near the Doi store. When I no longer could afford Kawaihai and Paddling for Manny I moved to Honokaa and enjoyed Waipio Valley more. When I no longer could afford Honokaa I moved to Hilo. When I no longer could afford to live in Hilo I moved somewhere on the Red Road in Puna. Now, my next choices to move would be Ka'u or Mainland. Sad thing is 50% of our Hawaiians now live away from their homelands of Hawaii and no longer can take walks with their Ohana's on the beaches they once grew up on. jmo's, Go easy and no hard feelings HOTPE.
OMG, now you mad BC I did not answer your question ? bwahahah

And your convoluted response raises more question than it answers.

If the woman didn't know I was there, why was she talking to me from 30 feet away? That can't exactly be considered sneaking up on someone. The dogs weren't sniffing, they were barking and snarling.

Moving from a rental to a cheaper rental due to your financial situation isnt the same as walking on a free public trail, meant for everyone, regardless of their income, is it?

You could never convince a monkey to give you a banana by promising him limitless bananas after death in monkey heaven.
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
Gypsy, I'm sorry to hear the Asains and Haoles have inconvenienced you so much. What do you suggest we do with them?
Pog scribbled:

"And your convoluted response raises more question [sic] than it answers."

So what questions would those be?

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