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This is weird -bounced email to Joy Sanbonaventura
Back to my original question: Has anyone successfully sent an email to Joy Sanbonaventura?
Puna: Our roosters crow first
Not me. I tried several times and got no response to the official state legislature email address. And before glinda jumps all over me, I used a very civil tone and simply posed some straightforward questions. It was after this that I met Joy face to face and asked about the emails. She made the excuse that the legislature wasn't in session at the time, and got huffy when I suggested that it should be monitored all the time. The rest of the conversation convinced me that she was an ignoramus of the first magnitude who got elected out of a weak field and likes the trappings of power.

FWIW, my neighbor had the same experience in terms of the legislative email. He knew a big-time campaign supporter of Joy, so he called her to tell her that Joy was not answering. After about a week, he got a reply with the same excuse that I got. His question never got answered, by the way.
Eight Fingers...have you tried spelling her name correctly in the email address you are using? You are not spelling it correctly here, so maybe that is the problem? Just a thought...

I sent two emails re: the rail bill to her state legislature address. I received no response to my first email (pre-vote). After the vote I wrote again to express my disappointment and received a response 2 weeks later.
HiTedd,I spelled it right in the email addy, that’s the first thing I checked....
Puna: Our roosters crow first
Originally posted by Chunkster

And before glinda jumps all over me..
Hey I feel for you..

I have found the same to be true as well. She does not have anything like the kind of constituent "bedside manner" as one would hope from their representative. Instead she comes off as if she thinks we're all 'lower' than her. As if she has no time for us and knows better.. and how dare us even question.. blah blah blah.

As far as the whole argument of whether or not our political representatives do us a disservice when they indulge the Oahu centric political machine at the expense of the outer islands wellbeing, I have heard that line for a lifetime about all of our state reps. As such, I have to assume when they do get elected and land in Honolulu they become overwhelmed by the power there and come to realize that if they don't play along they will never be able to do anything for us.

I have always thought there needs to be a coalition of outer island reps that stand together and hold firm as a voting block to actually gain some leverage as a solid entity who's interest is the outer islands, not Oahu's. But good luck with that idea, considering there's nobody around with the kind of charisma it would take to form such a group.

Conversely I think there should be a breaking up of the centralization of government affairs, and the outer islands should gain a measure of autonomy and have it's own tax base, legislature, etc.

But, at this point I see the Democrats, even though they control the state, as a party is disarray. Subject to falling apart here if they don't get their act together.. very quickly. Unfortunately it wouldn't be a better government that rose up if they did, but rather the Republicans, which appear hell bent on destroying all that they touch.
coalition of outer island reps that stand together and hold firm as a voting block

What's the population difference (and therefore number of representatives)? Oahu 1 million? Outer islands 300,000?

Conversely I think there should be a breaking up of the centralization of government affairs, and the outer islands should gain a measure of autonomy

Maybe we could form our own Kingdom? I hear there's another group with equally limited experience and leadership potential that has the same idea. Maybe join forces weaknesses?

“Facts fall from the poetic observer as ripe seeds.” -Henry Thoreau
"I'm at that stage in life where I stay out of discussions. Even if you say 1+1=5, you're right - have fun." - Keanu Reeves
It would help immensely in trying to email Rep. Joy SanBuenaventura if you spelled her name correctly! To answer your repeated question, I doubt that anyone has had any success emailing Rep. SanBONAVENTURA as Hawaii has no such legislator.
sounds like another case of user error Smile
Says glinda: "I have always thought there needs to be a coalition of outer island reps that stand together and hold firm as a voting block . . . But good luck with that idea, considering there's nobody around with the kind of charisma it would take to form such a group."

I couldn't agree more about the need for a coalition, and although he is not the most charismatic guy on the planet, Russell Ruderman does have a history of standing up to the party "leadership." I deeply respect and support him for this although I don't agree with some of his policies.

Joy, as glinda put so well, doesn't really find it useful or necessary to listen to her constituents. Punatics eventually tire of such an attitude, but it seems to take us longer than some others.

This whole thread started with an email glitch, but seems to have morphed into something more profound. As the original poster has noted, he used the correct spelling, so it was probably a server error. What he/she really needs to be wondering about is whether Joy Sanbuenaventura would have even bothered to reply had the email gone through. Try again and let us know.

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