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Pohoiki & Mackenzie to reopen
All kinds of pics and video on the net if u look. One guy that surfed via boat there showed me dozens of new black sand beaches and a bay. Yahoo

Dan D

@generic user name: Wow, if MacKenzie wasn't creepy enough before...everyone knows that parks on dead end roads is where all the ax murderers hang out (I learned that from the movies)

You may have wrote that in jest but you don't know how true that is for this particular state park.
A sordid history. Ask any old Hawaiian or long time kamaaina about some of the scary sh*t that has happened there.

I have lived here for 39 years and never visited there for a reason.
I have been there several times during the day and gotten chicken skin each time. Never had the guts to go there at night. Too much creepiness, both paranormal and human generated. I was sorta hoping the lava would take it and spare Ahalanui but it wasn't meant to be...
Having trouble sorting thru stray Facebook and forum postings vs. my coconut wireless. As I understand it, the options are poor. You have your choice of:

1) Pohoiki: A 2-hour hike thru rugged a'a, which I might be able to manage, but am not sure I would be able to return.

2) Mackenzie: A few new tiny black sand beaches, but you need to climb down the rocks during low tide to access, and high tide makes the beach disappear and makes swimming deadly. Great adventure for the kids, but not really in this old geezer's wheelhouse.

So... nothing to see here, it's still Carlsmith for us. Or am I missing something?
It's Carlsmith for me.
Since we lost our house that was within walking distance to Waiopae and bike distance to Ahalanui, we bought a condo that overlooks Carlsmith.
When the county or state reopens the roads down in Kapoho I may go back but would probably be twice as old as mimosa.
Carlsmith is ok. If I'm already there in Hilo, I prefer to go a bit further down that Kalanianaole Avenue, and go to Richardsons instead. The water there isn't as cold as it is at Carlsmith.
Limited number of options for ocean recreation in East Hawaii now. It will take a while for that to sink in.

Wonder how many years will elapse before people conclude something needs to be done about that.
So I have been talking to people that are going to Pohoiki. I heard there was a stream of people making the hike this past weekend. Surfboards could be seen strapped to the backs of many of the hikers.

The walk is said to be still really rough with lots of a'a to navigate. Though people have been setting a long line of coconut trees up as a visible used pathway all along the trail.

So any of you guys gone there? How was it?
i'm betting the county will open the road to pohoiki over the mackenzie flows fairly shortly.

roads between pohoiki and kapoho may never be opened again, as it's all just lava now.
Process has already begun.

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