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Police Officer John Weber
Good post Ghost. And don't forget to attend the Freedom Fest Saturday January 23 at noon at the Mo'oheau Bandstand.
Wow Ghostbuster, all bull crap checked and thrown in trash, come on you can do better than that old news, you know its old news and none held water, Estaban back stabbing, truth bender, yes man all the way.
You are losing yur credibility Shaking. I know personally of two of the situations Ghost is talking about which are still ongoing. Are you just putting wishful thinking up here to waste time?
Estaban is respected because he is a straight shooter and keeps his men in line. Unlike the off the reservation antics of officer Weber.

Just calling like I see it.......

ghost buster
ghost buster
Del if you know personally of two situations I know you are full of it, he has nothing pending. Ghostbuster, the word respected should be replaced with can't stand cause he drives his men crazy, he has had guys transfer to get away from him and he knows it but don't care. I would rather have Weber any day, at least you know people will get arrested and bad guys will get caught, instead of lazy person with a dictatorship attitude. But they like him upstairs cause he kisses butt. One more thing ghostbuster I am suprised that you would write on here with todays tech, and all.
Shaking, I would be interested in your input on these threads:

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
Who are you "Shaking"? How do you know anything about those allegations being proven false? The people who made those "allegations" were my neighbors, it happened two years ago and they're still traumatized. The few things you heard on those testimonies are not the worst of it. Officer John Weber is not an honorable man. He's scum just like alot of the HPD. He, along with many other police officers has ruined HPD's reputation. He's "busted" too many innocent medical marijuanists to have all of them be drug dealers. We've proven that he's lied several times in the court room, and for many of his search warrants. Furthermore, when they raid people for marijuana, they pull the whole plant out of the ground, mud and everything, weigh it, then charge them with that amount of pounds and call it processed. They'll take a picture of a bag, move it, then take a picture of it again. The medical marijuana laws are much to vague for them to be just on busting the amount of people they have. Whats happened is the prosecutors office has initiated selective prosecution, encouraging criminal activity by giving sick people a license then sicking dishonorable officers like Weber on them. Follow the money. That's all (failed) "war on drugs" is about. Its a war on people. I hope to see you all at the Freedom Fest, great question Del
Anyone know of a good handheld FLIR (forward looking infrared radar) I can buy? I see them used on some TV shows. Missions are being flown out of Bradshaw Airfield with National Guard warcraft fitted with FLIR pods to look into people's homes, despite the fact that the State Supreme Court has ruled that to be illegal. I'd like to take a look into the prosecutor's office, or maybe the police department bldg. Or Jay Kimura's home. No telling what we might find. It needs to be longer range than the ones on TV, and preferably should adapt to my night vision camera.
It's not radar.

Big Islander to be.
Big Islander to be.
infrared iR Thermal Imaging FLIR Cameras

Welcome to Sierra Pacific Innovations Corp.
Specializing in affordable FLIR infrared IR Thermal Imaging night vision cameras & thermography solutions

ghost buster
ghost buster

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