04-01-2011, 08:37 AM
Assuming that this passes and is signed into law, there will still be work to be done. An equitable process for distributing funds will have to be set up, and then the Council will have to allocate funding from the fuel tax proceeds to the private subdivisions. Although the Mayor and several Council members have expressed support for this legislation, the real test will come when it's time to hand over the cash. While anything is better that what we get now, which is nothing, the county' continuing budget crunch may make it easy for them to offer token help now with a promise more in better times. Puna and Kau districts have significant numbers of private subdivisions, so their Council reps can be counted on for generosity. For this to work, though, at least three other Council reps will have to do the right thing even though it might mean less funding for their own districts. It should be interesting, and despite my cynicism, the current Council appears far more likely to act equitably than the last.