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Big Island *takes first step* in banning GMO's
"That is also the pandoras box"

Well, really, life is a pandora's box or...

Forrest Gump: My momma always said, "Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get."
If Monsanto needs a lab, let them pay for it, including all the expenses for "test subjects" -- it'll kill me anyway, fine, so what, just keep sending me checks until then.

While they're at it, let's have have them remix the feral pig DNA, make them glow in the dark, easier to shoot at night.

As this article hints, I think Abercrombie will step in pretty soon now.

"The governor recognizes and respects the passionate views expressed on this subject," Christine Hirasa, an Abercrombie spokeswoman, said in a statement Wednesday. "The administration supports local farmers who are vital to Hawaii's long-term sustainability and is working to expand our agriculture industry.

"Any decisions to impose additional regulations above and beyond those already established by federal regulatory agencies should be based on proven science. The administration will continue to work toward a regulatory structure that protects and balances the needs of farmers, Hawaii's agricultural industry, and the people of Hawaii."
Originally posted by kander....Apparently they haven't ever been sued for cross pollination and patent infringement....

IMHO, if this new bill had protected the small farmer from cross pollination issues where the large corp are suing the small farmer for patent infringement, and it wasnt the small farmer's fault the wind blew across their fields and cross pollinated....

well then I would be all for that bill.

what do they call it "pay to play" ?..... lets see how this stacks up and whether the the lobbyist cadre gets their marching papers, see their pay day ..... or short stack gets booted...... grin!/lobby/lobfiles...10-863.pdf
Originally posted by Kapohocat

IMHO, if this new bill had protected the small farmer from cross pollination issues where the large corp are suing the small farmer for patent infringement, and it wasnt the small farmer's fault the wind blew across their fields and cross pollinated....

well then I would be all for that bill.

I am puzzled on this: is there a documented case of a small farmer who has been sued by a patent holder for reuse of his own seed that was contaminated by pollen drift? I've seen some claims, but, on investigation, those were found to be of dubious validity where a farmer tried to circumvent the patent and got caught at it.

It's fashionable for the anti-GMO activists to pillory the industrial development of patented crops, but, until they can convince the government to provide public funding for that development, that's our only alternative - assuming, of course, that improving crop yields, reducing cost inputs, reducing disease losses, and reducing pesticide usage is in the public interest...
Monsanto Sues Farmers When GMOs or GM Seed is Accidentally in Their Fields

Myth: Monsanto sues farmers when GM seed is accidentally in their fields.

Fact: Monsanto has never sued a farmer when trace amounts of our patented seeds or traits were present in the farmer’s field as an accident or as a result of inadvertent means.
Google has many results; for example:

The Court ruled after a two-and-half-week trial that it was the first patent infringement case on a higher life form in the world. The Judge’s ruling and Percy Schmeiser’s name became famous overnight:

·It does not matter how a farmer, a forester, or a gardener’s seed or plants become contaminated with GMOs; whether through cross pollination, pollen blowing in the wind, by bees, direct seed movement or seed transportation, the growers no longer own their seeds or plants under patent law, they becomes Monsanto’s property.

·The rate of GM contamination does not matter; whether it’s 1 percent, 2 percent, 10 percent, or more, the seeds and plants still belong to Monsanto.

·It’s immaterial how the GM contamination occurs, or where it comes from.

The Schmeisers tracked down the source of the contamination. It was their neighbour who had planted GM crops in 1996 with no fence or buffer between them. Nevertheless, the Schmeisers’ seeds and plants reverted to Monsanto, and they were not allowed to use their own seeds and plants again, nor keep any profit from their canola crop in 1998.
Monsanto has alleged seed patent infringement in 144 lawsuits against 410 farmers and 56 small farm businesses in at least 27 U.S. states as of January of 2013.

nice folks - not

Yes Google has many results including false ones like you posted.

Here is one from NPR that I found a little more factual than some guys blog.

Bullwinkle,you might want to read it too.

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