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Big Island *takes first step* in banning GMO's
Having been both a conventional farmer and an organic farmer, when this GMO controversy first developed I decided to do my own research. I set up two test plots of tomatoes and a control. I carefully printed out all the manure being spread by both sides on this issue and incorporated it into the soil in each test plot accordingly. The control plot I just left alone. I found no noticeable difference in the size, quality, or taste of fruit in either test plot.
As a footnote: I did notice that the control tomatoes fruited earlier, had larger, sweeter and more fruit.
suggesting that perhaps just being left alone is a more productive strategy.
"There are not currently any human clinical trials used to test the safety of GM crops. This is not unusual; no existing food or ingredient – GM or otherwise – has been the subject of human clinical trials. However, there is broad global agreement among food scientists, toxicology experts and regulatory food safety officials on how to evaluate the safety of GM foods. We follow these expert recommendations.

The starting point is identifying differences between GM crops and their conventional counterparts. The experts agree that components of GM crops that are the same as existing foods do not require testing. As a result, the focus is on what is different in the GM crop – the inserted DNA/RNA and the proteins resulting from gene insertion."

"Just Label It" - 64 countries that do:
The thing about those countries that require labelling... and I hate having to go over this again... is that none of them has the US Constitution.

It's very instructive to read the court decision that struck down the Vermont law requiring labels on milk from cows that had been treated with rBGH hormone. They said, basically, that there are many things a consumer might wish to know about the milk they were about to buy, like what the cow was fed, and maybe even what the cow's name was, but absent some compelling public reason, the government can't force anyone... individual or company... to share information they don't wish to.

More than that, when a label has been demonized, and given a negative connotation in the public's perception without any credible scientific proof, that requiring such a label is a volation of their Constitutional rights.

So can we please put this GMO label thing to rest now? Not gonna happen, even if a law gets passed. It's unconstitutional.

well with the new mandatory country of origin meat law going into effect - it will be interesting if the constitution intervenes as per your opinion

my call is that it is a matter of time before labeling becomes a reality

I beg to differ on "large-scale human clinical trials"

They are doing this. It's called "cheetos" (West coast) or "doritos" (East coast).
It really doesn't matter if the GMO food is good or bad for you. Clinical trials or not. THE point about GMO is that its all about control. Cross pollination from polluted GMO crops prevents you from doing anything except buying new seed. You would not be able to plant your heritage seed from the crop before without Lawsuit. If the big ag companies have anything to do about it their patented genes will be in everything. They already have their stuff in 60% of products you buy at the supermarket. Their patented genes are already in every bit of soybean grown. Yummy Tofu!

Control the food and you control the people.

Personal experience with GMO grain products has proven to me that the animals dont want to eat them and will loose weight. If a dumb animal can tell the difference, then perhaps we aren't very smart.
Originally posted by PauHana

Having been both a conventional farmer and an organic farmer, when this GMO controversy first developed I decided to do my own research. I set up two test plots of tomatoes and a control. I carefully printed out all the manure being spread by both sides on this issue and incorporated it into the soil in each test plot accordingly. The control plot I just left alone. I found no noticeable difference in the size, quality, or taste of fruit in either test plot.
As a footnote: I did notice that the control tomatoes fruited earlier, had larger, sweeter and more fruit.
suggesting that perhaps just being left alone is a more productive strategy.

wow. Talk about cherry tomato picking a small study!

Nothing left to do but
Nothing left to do but
When its all you have ..... you gotta make do.
Originally posted by Bullwinkle

well with the new mandatory country of origin meat law going into effect - it will be interesting if the constitution intervenes as per your opinion

Country of Origin labeling on meat was driven by known and proven health issues. There are no such health issues associated with GMOs.

my call is that it is a matter of time before labeling becomes a reality

And my call is that it will not happen in the US, and the requirement will gradually be dropped in other countries as the scientific evidence grows that there is no real issue. Face it... GMO foods have been on the market in the US for 20 years, experts say that 75% of the food products in a typical supermarket contain at least some GMOs, and yet there is simply no credible proof of any danger whatsoever.

And if you do a little thought experiment... say Hawai'i passed a statewide bill banning food containing GMOs, or perhaps just requiring them to be labelled, what is entirely predictable is that food prices will rise, and that some products will simply disappear from the local markets as different vendors decide that our small total business is not worth the additional expense, and hassles, and record keeping, and certification, and enforcement... what, you thought it was just going to take slapping a little sticker on everything?... and documentation handoffs at every transition point... which is exactly why the Federal Government reserves to itself the right to regulate food in interstate commerce, which is another reason no state law on the matter can stand.

The ONLY viable GMO-labelling strategy in the US is promoting a voluntary "GMO Free" label, which is legal, as long as it tells the truth.
"Cross pollination from polluted GMO crops prevents you from doing anything except buying new seed."

Most people buy commercial seed because they are growing the typically more vigorous hybrids which will not come true from their seed. You should also be aware that under most circumstances your non hybrid heritage seed could be hybridized by any other similar (non heritage) plant via the wind or insects. If you are actually serious about saving your own seed you should be using any of the standard pollination techniques used by commercial growers to ensure their seed has the desired parents. That will prevent any other pollination, GMO or otherwise.

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